Facing the truth

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Detty Bold and Beauty Chapter 12: Facing the truth, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Bold and Beauty

Detty fans, here is a new chapter for you! A big thanks go out to Historianic for proofreading, and she has been a great contributor to this fanfic. Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you enjoy and keep reviewing.

Chapter 11

"Facing the truth."

In the women's bathroom, Amanda refreshed her make up, congratulating herself on the magnificent performance she'd put on for Betty. She hoped that by the end of the night, she would be Daniel's assistant again. With this happy thought, Amanda left the bathroom only to run into the man himself.

"Hey Amanda, is Betty in there by any chance?" Daniel asked, somewhat anxiously.

"No. Why?" Amanda asked.

"Oh, I just went to get some champagne, and now I can't seem to find her," Daniel replied.

Amanda sighed.

"Daniel, why do you care anyway? I thought you wanted her gone."

"Well, things change, Amanda."

"I see. You are falling for her, aren't you?" Amanda said.

"What?" Daniel said, startled.

"Daniel, please. I saw you two together, dancing."

"Amanda, nothing is going on between Betty and me. She's my assistant."

"That didn't stop you before with me," Amanda hissed.

Daniel sighed.

"I'm sorry things happened between us the way they did, Amanda."

"Yeah, me too," She agreed sadly.

"So, are you sure you haven't seen Betty anywhere?" Daniel asked again.

Amanda was just about to say no when out of the corner of her eye she saw Betty and some guy go out on to the garden patio. She looked at Daniel then and smirked.

"You just missed her."

"Where?" Daniel started to scan the room.

"Uh, out on the garden patio."

"Thanks, Amanda."

"Sure, no problem Daniel," She smiled, knowing Daniel wouldn't be too happy to see Betty in the arms of another man.

Betty and Becks walked along with the garden patio, looking for Amanda, but there was no sign of her.

"Becks, are you sure you saw Amanda here?" Betty asked, beginning to doubt that they were looking in the right place.

"Betty, to be honest, I have no idea where your friend is."

"Then why did you bring me out here," Betty said displeased.

"I know you are angry, and I'm sorry for lying, but I thought it would be the only way to get you alone with me," He replied.

"Becks! If you wanted to be alone with me, all you had to do was ask, not lie about it. Now I am sorry, but I have to find my friend, and by the looks of it, she isn't here. So if you'll excuse me," Betty yelled.

She turned to go inside back to the ballroom, but before she could, a hand closed firmly around her wrist, stopping her. Forcefully, Becks pulled her into his arms, and before she could protest, he was kissing her.

"Becks, get off me!" Betty screamed between breaths as she struggled against him.

"Oh, come on Betty, I know you want me!"

"No! I don't! Now get off me! Or..."

"Or what?!" Becks said confidently.

"Or I will lay my fists into you!" A loud, clear baritone voice cut into the dispute, "Becks, get your hands off, Betty," Daniel said fiercely.

Becks and Betty turned to see a fearsome-looking Daniel standing right in front of them. Betty let out a sigh of relief. Quickly, she tried to explain,

"Daniel, this isn't -"

"I know, Betty," Daniel gave her a reassuring smile.

Becks smirked as he looked at the two of them.

"Aww, please," he scoffed, "Daniel, good to finally see you again. Although I'm surprised to see you saving the day."

"Let her go Becks," Daniel demanded, his azure eyes flashing dangerously.

"Fine," Becks pushed Betty to the ground abruptly, who was lucky to land on the grass.

"Betty!" Daniel yelled in alarm, rushing to her side. He watched, annoyed, as Becks made a break for it, slipping through the patio door into the crowded ballroom. Daniel knew it would be difficult to catch up to him again, but at least Betty was safe from him.

"Are you ok, Betty?" Daniel asked, concerned, as he helped her to her feet.

"I am fine," She gave him a small smile.

Daniel sighed in relief.

"Thank god," he said.

"But Daniel," Betty continued, "Who in the hell was that guy?!"

Daniel let out a long, slow breath.

"Becks," he told Betty, "he is the guy that ruined my sister's life."

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