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Detty Bold and Beauty Chapter 31: Epilogue, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Bold and Beauty

Chapter 30: Epilogue

One Year Later

January 8th, 2010

Dear Journal,

I'm sorry for not writing lately, but Daniel and I have been very busy. We got married last August after only three months together, can you believe it? It was such a beautiful day. We were married on the beach near the summer house. And we've been working together on our new magazine, "Bold and Beauty," that has its first anniversary today! I couldn't be happier to be co-editor-in-chief of such a beautiful magazine. I have to tell you journal, I've achieved most of my dreams, and now I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life with Daniel. You see, I have a secret, a secret that I can't even tell you journal, not until I tell Daniel.

Betty had just finished typing her latest journal entry into the computer at her office at Bold and Beauty when Daniel knocked on the door.

"You're still working?" He said.

"Just finishing up Daniel," Betty said, as she shut down her computer and moved to grab her coat.

"Oh, we're not leaving yet," Daniel shook his head, taking her coat from her.

"What? Why?"

"Because it's our magazine's first anniversary," Daniel said, smiling.

The words were barely out of his mouth when Amanda and a bunch of Daniel and Betty's friends burst through Betty's office door.

"Surprise!" They all yelled.

Amanda popped a bottle of champagne, and her fiancé Charles, the doctor, started filling people's glasses. Betty panicked slightly when Amanda came to offer her a drink.

"Please, no Amanda, no champagne for me really," Betty said politely, trying to hide that she was a little nervous.

"Are you sure, Betty?" Daniel said, surprised, "I mean, we should be celebrating."

Amanda was dancing in front of Betty and Daniel with two champagne flutes in her hand.

"Your husband is right, Betty. This is a time of celebration, unless..." Then it hit Amanda; suddenly, she knew why Betty didn't want to take any champagne.

"Unless, what?" Daniel asked.

Amanda shook her head. She knew that Betty should be the one to tell Daniel why.

"Nothing, never mind... um... I'll get you a glass of water," She said quickly.

"Thanks, Amanda."

"No problem," Amanda said, leaving to get Betty some water.

Daniel, however, was growing suspicious. He wasn't sure why Betty didn't want any champagne, and he didn't understand Amanda's evasiveness either.

"Ok, what is going on?" He asked, "Are you sure you don't want champagne?"

"No, I'm fine," Betty told Daniel.

"Ok. I'll have champagne for the both of us then." Daniel said.

Amanda came back then with champagne for Daniel and a glass of water for Betty. Amanda started to chant.

"Toast! Toast!"

Everyone else was soon chanting as well. Daniel and Betty exchanged a look, silently agreeing that she should give it. Betty nodded.

"Thank you," Betty said warmly, and the crowd settled down.

"Daniel and I are very proud to edit this magazine, and it's been amazing to work not only with the man I love but with every one of you. I've been fortunate to have most of my dreams come true this past year, and this magazine is a big part of that. So to Bold and Beauty, may we go from strength to strength with great success!"

Everyone clapped and cheered.

"Here! Here!" The crowd agreed.

"And while I'm making this announcement, seeing we are in the company of friends," Betty exchanged a look with Amanda, "I might as well make another one," She continued.

Everyone looked at Betty curiously, wondering what she was going to say. She took a deep breath.

"You all remember how I kept complaining about having the stomach flu last week?"

There was a general murmur of yes in the room.

"Well, I went to the doctor, and I don't have the stomach flu. Rather, I got the greatest news any woman can receive," Betty could feel herself tearing up.

"Everyone," Betty looked at her husband gazing at her affectionately, "Daniel," She continued, "I learned that I'm three weeks pregnant."

The room erupted in cheers and cries of joy. Daniel was still in shock. He went up to Betty and touched her stomach gently.

"We're having a baby?" He said, in complete awe.

Betty smiled.

"We're having a baby."

Taking Betty into his arms, Daniel was thrilled. He kissed her gently, almost reverently.

"My God, I love you," He said, his voice choked with emotion.

"I love you too," Betty said.

They kissed once more as everyone continued to congratulate them on the baby.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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