The Arch Enemy Return. Y/N's Face Reveal.

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(3rd person courtyard)

Lone Warrior: Vandheer Lorde are you surprised to see me. Or perhaps you don't remember me?

Auburn: Vandheer who is he?

Y/N said nothing as he passed them. The air has gotten stiff and the students have gathered around them to see what going on. 

Y/N: I remember well enough... To think you would be in this world.

Lone Warrior: I did not come here to fight this time.

Y/N: You don't. But I do.

Lone Warrior: Vandheer, we must set aside our differences.

Y/N: You have kills my legacy and it is something I can never forgive.

Lone Warrior: Is revenge all you could think of? Is your evil known no bound?

Y/N: Silence! If you want to talk then the only battle will speak for us.

Lone Warrior: Very well Vandheer Lorde.

Y/N: I'm going to enjoy killing you a third time.

Y/N launches an ice-ball at him as he deflects it back at him. Y/N uses his teleportation and appears behind him as the Lone Warrior turn only to get a punch in the face and side kick sending him across the courtyard.

Lone Warrior recovers and uses his katana and attacks him as Y/N dodges all of his strikes. He did a sweep kick as the Lone Warrior jump back and swing his blade sending an energy wave hitting him.

Y/N recovers and fires ice shards at him. Then team RWBY and Summer and Taiyang arrive at the scene to see what is happening.

Ruby: What's going all?

Auburn: That guy over that tried to talk to Vandheer. But he won't listen and the only battle will speak for them.

Yang: What? Why would he do such a thing?

Tifa: I don't know. But those two have a very bad history together.

Weiss: I surprise someone has the guts to face him.

Blake: I surprise someone who even wants to face him.

Auburn: But Vandheer said something. Saying that he will enjoy killing him a third time?

Summer: A killing him a third time...? He tried to kill him?!

Tifa: We don't know the detail. But for some reason he really meant it.

Then Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow, and Raven appear and watch the fight.

Qrow: Oz what the hell is going on? Who is that guy?

Ozpin: I don't know. But whoever he is. He is on equal ground with Vandheer Lorde.

Raven: I surprise he would face him with nothing more than his bare hand.

Glynda: Ozpin we have to stop this.

Ozpin: No, we wait and see how this goes. Until then wait on standby and make sure the other students won't get hurt by their fight.

Y/N teleport on the light pole and forms ice shards and pointed at the Lone Warrior. He fires his ice shards hitting him creating a smoking field. Y/N jump off as the white disk attack the light pole and clearing the smoke revealing the Lone Warrior unharmed.

The Lone Warrior lung his sword at Y/N's shoulder but not after Y/N returns its uppercut to the face and a ferocious combo to him sending him flying. The Lone Warrior stabs his sword to the ground from stopping him.

Vandheer Lorde Male Reader X RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now