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(Cinder P.O.V)

Everything is according to plan. The Imperial army didn't expect a thing. Being advanced than the other kingdoms. They are just like the other kingdoms. Blinded by their own sense of security. Our team has arrived at the dock as the Imperial troops are standing at the entrance. Scanning every student from each kingdom.

We went to the entrance as one of the Imperial Troops stop us.

Imperial Troop: Stand still.

We stood still as they scan us. One of the lead Imperial Troops look at his men and then place his finger on to his helmet. This has gotten my brow to raise.

Cinder: Is there something wrong-

I felt something hit me behind my neck as I fell to the ground. Losing conscience as I heard two bodies fell to the ground before darkness takes over.

(Y/N P.O.V at Ozpin's office)

The Lone Warrior, Eivana and I waited at the fool's offices as Atlas military arrives at Vale. It's honestly pathetic to see Atlas military here. Seem like the other kingdom doesn't want to lose their control over the people.

We heard a ding as the elevator door open up to reveal one of the fool's lapdog and Atlas pathetic general, Ironwood.

Ironwood: Ozpin.

Ozpin: Hello general.

Ironwood: Please, drop the formalities. It's been too long.

They give each other a handshake as Ironwood look at the fool's lapdog.

Ironwood: And Glynda! it's certainly been too long since we last met.

His expression change to distrust looks when he lay his eyes on me.

Ironwood: Emperor Vandheer.

Y/N: General, still the dog to Atlas I see and more to it to Ozpin. I guess the fool knows how to pick his pawn well.

The foolish general about to lash out at me until the fool stops him.

Ozpin: Now, now. We are all friends here. There is no need for violence.

Y/N: Speech for yourself fool.

They narrow their eyes at me as the lapdog looks at the fool with a dislike look on her face.

Glynda: I'll be going.

The lapdog went to the elevator as the door close sending her back down.

Ironwood: She sure hasn't changed.

Y/N: And neither do you nor the fool of your master. But what can I expect from people who didn't learn from their mistakes?

Ozpin: I assure you. We do learn from our mistakes.

Y/N: But not enough.

During my imprisonment in the White Cage. I was able to learn from my mistake in my last battle with the rebel scum. No matter how big or little that mistake may be. It's is always important to learn from them so you won't have to make the same mistake again.

Lone Warrior: I think we have an important thing to discuss.

Ozpin: Indeed we do.

The fool sat in his hand and look at his dog with the serious look on his face.

Ozpin: I sure you read the report I have given you.

Ironwood: About this Nebula being stronger than Salem, create humanoid Grimms, defeat the Deity brothers, and came from another world. Oz, surely you wouldn't believe-

Eivana: What he said is true.

Lone Warrior: Nebula has indeed come to your world to take control of it. Only Vandheer, Leo, and I are capable to defeat him.

Ironwood: And how would I know that the Empire is willing to help.

Y/N: Because I understand the threat better than everyone. More so then you, the fool, and Salem's little group.

The foolish general replaces his soldiers with a mindless machine that blindly follow orders no matter what. The Imperial droid is far more intelligent, independence and a creative with their ability.

But besides that, it far more economical and practical to get living people to train up rather build an army of the mindless machine. It disgusts me and the rest of my army to think that this dog will do something like this. It's goes everything that I stand as a warrior and a leader.

The fool takes his seat and looks at his foolish general as he grabs his coffee mug on his desk.

Ozpin: So... What in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas? Headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal Festival. 

Ironwood: Well you know how I love Vale this time of year.

Y/N: Save us you petty words for some other time. Why do you bring your army here when your foolish master begged me to bring my troops for something you or any other schools cannot do.

The foolish general narrow his eyes with distrust and anger in them. Must be the fact that my Empire is far more advanced and more military strength that his petty army.

Ironwood: If you must know, Emperor. I brought these men for a reason. The people of Vale are distrust and scare about your troops being in this kingdom. They feel like they are nothing more in a prison.

Y/N: And the kingdoms do any better. I see how your kingdoms run and I have to say it disappoint me greatly to see the leaders of each kingdom run by nothing more than arrogant, self-center, and childish people in the councils.

The elevator door open as one of the Imperial trooper walks up to me.

Imperial Trooper: My lord, we have captured the suspicious students from Haven academy that you have given us.

Y/N: Excellent work trooper. Interrogate them as much as possible.

Ironwood: What!? Vandheer! You can't simply take students from Haven just because of a-

Y/N: Your opinion doesn't matter me. I do what is necessary to achieve my goal whether you like it or not. I don't care about Salem or your so-called war. I'm more focus on ridding of Nebula from this world once and for all.

Talking to these people always make me sick to my stomach. I was glad that I left this world when I was young so I won't be their little puppet in their game.

Y/N: Now if you excuse me. I have an important thing to do in my time.

We walk to the elevator as the door closes. Taking us down to the lobby.

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