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Felix Lee's POV

Two words that can describe my emotions right now , Happy and Confused. I'm happy to be in this relationship don't get me wrong , but I'm confused on the timing. I just don't know if I'm ready for this yet.

Hwang Hyunjin

Hyunjin you are happy, you are happy, you are happy. I am happy for her.

"Yuna I'm so happy for you!" I squealed lies.

"Anyone who dates you will be so lucky!" She smiled you could have been lucky.

Maybe I should date that crazy Nari girl? It would ease my pain and she seems very willing so , Why not?

Saranghae oppa

I'm not even older then you?

I confess again today. I love you so much oppa please date me!!

Will you stop harassing my friends if I do?

Yes my boyfriend I love you!!

I turned off my phone sighing, Hyunjin what the hell did you just get yourself into? I stood up to be greeted to a smiling Felix.

"Hey Hyunjin!" Felix grinned, I could see the genuine happiness spread over him and it honestly was amazing! How can I be as happy as Felix someday? The option of Yuna making me happy is off the list. I doubt I can do anything because Jisung would beat the shit out of me for hurting felix's heart.

"I-i need to go." I stuttered scurrying off into the crowds of teenagers.

"Jagi!" Nari yelped jumping and straddling my waist. Jesus she heavier then I thought. Nari had a weird figure, towards her cleavage was flat but her thighs where ginormous but her butt was flat? She was almost the same height as Yuna which confused me. Yuna has a much better body then Nari.

I can't believe what is happening right now. I'm standing in the middle of sopa locked Lips with Nari. Ew am I going to get an STD? I see from the corner of my eye Yuna who looks confused. Aish Yuna I'm confused to.

"I'm glad your happy." Yuna smiled obviously fake but I played along. Wow happy with different people, this isn't how it's supposed to be is it?

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