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Yuna sat in the library on the couch waiting for everyone's reaction to the article she wrote and claimed all rights for about WooJin and SunJin.

Everyone had read the article already giving the opposite reaction Yuna had hoped for.

They all laughed at the desperate girls actions even he so called 'friends' had gotten a good laugh out of it too.

HyunJin has seen the article and laughed showing WooJin and SunJin the hilarious lies.

They both laughed giving each other jokes as HyunJin stood their quietly.

HyunJin has walked away from the scene with a frown engulfed on his features.

Even though the two where dating he couldn't help but feel jealous of the close bond she created with almost everyone, Even it was a sibling bond he was still jealous.

The moment HyunJin stepped out of the school the cool air had created him slapping his face and hair.

HyunJin admired the earth, how could it look so warm but be so cold?

HyunJin has wondered to himself.

Seconds later Yuna had walked out of the school smirking without HyunJin noticing.

She had just gotten off the phone securing everyone's positions and when she saw HyunJin close his eyes to feel the suns light she grabbed his face and kissed him.

HyunJin pushed Yuna off not even a millisecond later as a crowd had gathered watching her bleed, SunJin stood in the crowd running forward to help Yuna up.

SunJin approached the front of the crowd as they parted to let her through, she started off my scolding Yuna embarrassing her but then helped her up only to be pushed onto the floor by Yuna.

HyunJin rushed to her aid helping her up as he passionately kissed her there.

That was the moment Yuna had lost hope in saving their relationship, she walked out of the crowd going to her house packing her things and leaving a train ticket in her hand.

Yuna wanted to start fresh in Busan far from Incheon.

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