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SunJin had been bored in her hospital bed, she could only shower, use the washroom and watch television.

They advised her to try and not leave her bed, so when her phone died all she could do was wait for someone to take it off the charger across the room and hand it to her.

She was utterly helpless, which made it the perfect time for Hylee to attack.

Hylee had crept into the room in her hand a small needle containing a sleeping poison. She injected the needle into SunJin's arm causing the girl to spring awake but seconds later fall into a sleep.

Hylee had lifted her out of the bed and dragged her to the door, HyunJin opened the door to see Hylee his eyes widening.

He lifted SunJin off the ground and onto the bed, he shoved the divorce papers into Hylee's chest slamming the door shut.

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