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Listen to set the mood^

Reflection by RM

That night SunJin had left to the library bringing her laptop and coffee with her knowing she would need it due to a long night of research ahead of her.

Somehow HyunJin wasn't guilty she could see it in his eyes, instant regrets washed over her for sending an innocent man to jail.

She opened her laptop doing research on everyone she knew, but when she came to Jisung she found a criminal record for him.

Doing more research she had collected CCTV footage of crimes he had done watching them over.

A wave of sadness washed over her as she read articles about most wanted and his many crimes committed but when she came across an article about 8 pages into the google search her heart stopped.

Footage of an unknown man running over a young girl and leaving?

SunJin's eyes widened as her fingers scrolled over the bulb of the mouse towards the article, she gently right clicked and waited for it to load nervously.

Once the article opened she started reading, the information shocking her.

An Unknown man was driving at a speed of 90km per hour down the side walks of a local park when his car collided with a young female toddler he continued to drive.

The man remains unidentifiable as his car was driving fairly fast, this case has been put under the category of a hit and run.

At the scene in the CCTV footage it shows a teenage girl who we believe to be is her older sister runs over and cradles the child's dying figure.

We where able to catch a glimpse of the smiling man in his car, he drives a silver Honda Accord with dark brown hair with highlights of blonde, he appears to be wearing circular black thin glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Her mouth dropped wide open as she started to cry, in that year Jisung fit the description perfectly, HyunJin hadn't killed her sister, it was Han Jisung.

She closed her laptop and slid it into her backpack, griping the glass coffee container in anger she exited the building.

The moment she made an exit she spotted Han Jisung having a hushed conversation with Seo Changbin, her mouth dropped slightly as she overheard the conversation.

"They sent that idiot to jail."

"I know why didn't he just confess you killed her? He knew you did."

"I told him if he did I'd kill everyone he cares about."

That conversation was enough to make her continue walking until she heard Jisung's call.

"I know you heard the whole thing SunJin, I have to kill you now,"

SunJin knew he had a strong scary grin laced across his features, that was enough for SunJin to hold the straps of her backpack and run as fast as she could.

The pair of feet running at full speed behind her frightened her enough to throw the glass mug backwards, she heard the groans of Seo Changbin as she continued running for her life.

Once she cut the corner she ran to Felix's house scrambling to get inside, once Felix answered the door he yanked her in knowing what she had done.

"You need to go far," SunJin panted due to Jisung's squad going to be chasing them both.

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