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"Look who it is!" Alex cheers, a giant smile on his face.

"Your heads all better?" Kal asks, waving his head about.

"I'm all fixed up!" I grin.

"Well, you missed a raging party," Kal smirks.

"Kal!" Alex elbows him. "She was sick! Besides, just because you had sex doesn't mean it was a great party."

"But it was most definitely, great sex."

I laugh at them. Alex threw his costume party over the weekend. They considered cancelling it so I wouldn't miss out, but I told them not to. Liam and Mary both went, but Oliver said he had to work. I felt kind of bad for him, but he said he hates costume parties anyway.

"You guys are fucking disgusting," Mary shakes her head, walking up behind me.

"Its okay, I'll be there next time," I say.

"Your birthday!" Mary cheers.

"It's like two weeks away, right?" Alex asks.

"Yep," I nod. "I'm not really going to party, though."

"What?!" Kal pouts.

"We've got to have a little party!" Alex exclaims.

I shrug. "It'll just be us, hanging out."

"Aw, that sounds so nice and relaxing," Mary smiles.

"Yeah that's chill," Alex says. "I think I'd like that better, to be honest."

"Yeah, we can have a nice barbecue or something," Kal suggests.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the yellow and blue colours of our school. The group of boys in varsity jackets walk through the hallway, laughing at one another. I look away to avoid eye contact. Luckily, they pay no attention to me.

Jack Matthews and his friend didn't get expelled, but they did get suspended for two weeks. When they return, I have no idea if they'll actually stay away from me, but there's no way I'm going to relive everything that happened.

I've been scrubbing at my skin since it happened. I can still feel it. It shivers me down to my core, but its getting better.

"Fuck those assholes," Liam grumbles, throwing an arm over Mary's shoulders.

"I fucked his sister," Kaleem smirks. "Jack Matthews, I mean."

I chuckle. "Are you serious?"

"Yep," he nods. "It was a while ago, but it still counts."

"I can't believe you!" I laugh.

"He's probably slept with half the state, I swear," Mary shakes her head.

"I on the other hand," Liam smirks. "Have only slept with one woman."

Mary smiles sweetly at him, turning around to give him a quick kiss on the lips. I raise my eyebrows at Alex, looking away.

It is my brother, after all.

"Anyone got a free next?" Kal asks.

I shake my head. "I've got a test."

We had a history test last week, which I missed, so instead of study hall, I get to resit it.

"Yeah, man, I'm ditching English," Liam nods, letting go of his girlfriend.

"Sweet, I want to get some KFC," Kal says.

"Oh hell yeah, I'm in," Alex agrees.

"I'm down too!" Mary cheers.

"And the little baby misses out again," Kal teases me.

"Me?" I snicker. "I'm pretty sure it's you who's missing out on a super exciting history test!"

"Ah yes, my favourite hobby," he jokes.

"You done with your banter?" Alex sighs. "I need a smoke break."

"Yes!" Liam agrees. "You coming Mary?"

"Nope," I interrupt. "I need Mary."

She frowns at me. "You do?"

"Yep, in the girls' bathroom," I say.

"That's when you know it's serious," Kal laughs.

"Alright, I'll see you guys later," Mary says.

I take her hand, and drag her away, not even bothering to wave goodbye to my friends. I duck into the first bathroom I see, and check the stalls.

They're empty.


"What's going on, girl?" Mary asks, leaning against the bench top.

"I need you to promise me you won't tell Liam," I say.

She frowns. "What's going on?"

"Please, just go with it," I urge. "He can't know."

The hesitation is evident on her face, but it'll just have to do.

"I kissed Oliver," I confess.

I purse my lips, taking in her expression. Her eyes are widened, but soon, a frown appears on her face.

"What the heck?!" she exclaims. "When? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"It was a couple days ago," I explain. "In my room."

"Damn girl!" she grins. "You made our with Oliver Ferrari!"

"Shush!" I laugh. "We didn't make out! I kissed him accidentally, and pulled away straight after."

She wriggles her eyebrows. I shake my head, trying to get her to be serious.

"Oliver and Lucy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," she sings.

"Mary!" I chuckle. "This is serious!"

"Well, did you like it?" she asks.

"How could I not?!"

"What did he say about it?"

"That we have a connection," I tell her, a sneaky smile forming on my face.

"Oh my gosh!" she cheers. "You totally have a crush on him!"

"I don't know, I don't know!" I say.

"You totally do! I fucking knew it!" she grins. "Alex owes me $20!"

"Wait, what?" I frown.

"We've been betting on you!" she explains. "Alex said it would take you at least a year to start dating and I said within the first few weeks."

"Are you serious?" I exclaim.

She scoffs. "We knew you guys would be together the second we met you!"

"What the hell?!" I laugh, unsure about the situation.

"Don't worry, don't worry, Liam knows nothing!" she says. "He's gonna be so mad when he finds out I didn't tell him, but damn, it's gonna be worth it!"

"Mary, nothing's going on yet!"

"Yet," she reiterated, catching my slip up.

I scowl at her. I haven't even seen Oliver since the day of the kiss. I told him I thought it'd be best if he didn't come back. He understood, but he disagreed. He thought I was being silly, and should just get passed it, but I need to process it first. Either way, it's been about four days, and I haven't heard a word from Oliver.

Mary doesn't seem to care though.

"Oliver and Lucy, sitting in a tree," she sings. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

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