4. n e w . l i f e

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no i don't believe you

when you say you don't need me anymore.
so don't pretend to

not love me at all



Its been very different. Everything has been very different since that day. Nothing in this house feels the same. 

I'm alone most of the time which I've gotten used to. 

I haven't signed the divorce papers like Justin wanted me to but I know he's long gone. My sign doesn't matter, I've lost him.

But that doesn't mean I'm going to just throw away what we had for so many years just because he feels we've fallen out and is in love with somebody else. 

I've given up too much for him to give him up so soon.

So I know I'm going to need some time to adapt to this new life of being alone most of the time. Justin coming home just once or twice a week to show me he remembers he has his own house and a wife. The hardest part of the new life is his snide remarks at work. Him treating me like his mere assistant.

I hope I don't take too long to get used to that too.

I sighed heavily after I parked the car in the parking lot of the office building and made my way up to Justin's cabin with his coffee. I wonder if she makes breakfast for him, is he eating right?

I opened the doors and entered the cabin and almost dropped the coffee cups when I saw Nia on Justin's lap as they kissed.

My jaw clenched as I cleared my throat loudly and they jumped away from each other.

"I got you your coffee and a sandwich in case you haven't had your breakfast" I said and placed it on the desk.

"Next time you want to come in, knock and come if after I allow" He said and my eyes snapped at him.

"And the next time you want to make out in work place, lock the Goddamn door. You should be thankful it was me and no one else" I said and smacked the pissed expression off his face and turned around to walk out.

"You have a meeting in minutes go get done quick" I said before as I opened the door and let it close behind me and stormed into my cabin.

I took deep breaths and tamed my heavy breathing.

Adapt Bella, adapt.


"Hey, what are you thinking of?" Nia asked as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Bella, she doesn't seem to show any signs of signing the divorce papers no matter what I do to make her hate me" I said and she huffed.

"Justin how long are you going to keep thinking about it?" She said.

"What am I supposed to do? Did you see that in the morning? Who would bring coffee for the man who said that he wants to divorce her? And she even got the sandwich as if she just knew that I hadn't the breakfast. I don't think she'll sign those anytime soon" I said.

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