6. n e w . j o b

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  I can't even think straight but I can tell
You were just with her
And I'll still be a fool, I'm a fool for you  


[A/N: I changed Selena's Character's name to Nia, since I have too many stories with her as the antagonist lmao]


I knocked on Bella's bedroom door once before opening up. I saw her wipe her face quickly and then she pretended to type something on her laptop. But the red edges of her eyes confirmed that she had been crying.

I'd be lying if I say that I didn't feel my heart sink a tiny bit.

"Oh hey..." She looked at me.

"I just came to tell you that I'm taking Nia on a dinner date, we won't be coming back home tonight either" I said and she nodded.

"Have fun" She mumbled before I stepped out of her room and shut the door.

Seeing her crying made me feel very uneasy and made me want to cancel the plans and stay home. After all, we've been leaving Bella all by herself at home for most of the time now and I've even fired her, she doesn't even look like she goes out. She just calls Hailey over sometimes.

But if I cancel tonight, Nia will get mad.

I tried to distract myself as I walked out of the house since Nia was already waiting in the car.

After I sat in, the driver started driving. 

I was pretty much consumed in my own thoughts as we arrived at the restaurant and and sat down before ordering our food.

I don't know why had seeing her cry made me so disturbed today. I know I've made her alone. And now that she isn't working, she doesn't have any distraction or human contact except Hailey. Should I ask her to join again?

"Hey Nia..." I said and she nodded.

"Finally you spoke, you've been so quiet" She said and I cleared my throat.

"I have been thinking about this for a couple of days now so I thought I might tell you before I take the step?" I said.


"I'm going to ask Bella to join work again, I mean, its not like firing her helped us at all and plus, its too much for me to handle without her help too" I said.

"Justin? Are you kidding me?" She asked in disbelief.

"No I'm not, I'm very serious, its the right thing to do" I said, avoiding to tell her that I'm also doing it to make Bella feel less alone.

"No you can't! It will just give her more hope!" She said

"Its not your place to decided that, I'm the CEO and the bitter truth is that so is Bella" I said.

"Oh so now you're defending her? And what about when she divorces you Justin? Will you still keep her in the business?" She said and I shrugged.

"She can stay in the business as long as she wants to, like I said a million times before Nia, the business is just as much hers as it is mine. And she could've easily continued working even after I asked her to stop, she didn't necessarily have to obey me you know" I said.

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