21. i n t e r l u d e

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  When you're needing comfort 'cause you've lost your love
Lay your head on the table, in hands of a stranger
If you're needing someone 'cause you've lost your love
Something stable, I hope I'll be able  



Bella's feet were shaky and unsure as she made her way to Michael's cabin. Yes, they weren't in a relationship but she knew they were going to get there eventually but last night with Justin had flipped her world.

She was obviously happy that Justin has realized his mistakes but Michael has been so supportive towards her and has always made sure that she was happy. Her mind and heart were inside a whirlwind of emotions and she had to put in all her efforts to keep herself together and be an honest person and own up to Michael.

She swallowed the lump in her throat as she pushed the doors open and walked in. Michael smiled the moment he saw her.

"There you are!" He said and walked to her before wrapping her in a hug. Bella tried, but couldn't hug back. She felt too guilty to even be close to him.

"I missed you so much yesterday" He said before pulling away.

"I have something to tell you" She mumbled and he nodded.


She swallowed again and took a deep breath in.

"Bella, are you alright, you look quiet worked up" He said and rubbed her arms.

"I need you to sit down" She said.

"Okay, okay, come" He sat both of them on the couch in his cabin.

Bella couldn't stop fiddling with her fingers as she prepared herself to tell him everything.

"What's wrong?" He asked her.

"I don't know how to tell you this" She said and could already hear her voice crack.

"Yesterday, Justin spent the day at my place....even stayed over at night" She said.

He left today morning, left just after kissing her and none of them said a word because they knew it was the best option right then.

"Okay..." He said, letting her continue.

"He...he didn't just stay over. Me and him...we- we..." She trailed off; feeling too horrible to admit it.

But Michael figured out the unsaid words. He understood what she was talking about. He felt his heart fall in the pit of his stomach while something in the back of his mind screamed "I told you this would happen"

Bella sniffled and he could see how bad she felt about it. Also, he knew he doesn't have any right to be mad at her since they were never in a relationship.

"Please don't cry" He mumbled.

He hated seeing her like that.

"Bella, please?" He said and she tried to wipe her tears away.

"Look, I'm not going to lie, this hurts me, a lot. But Bella, to be very honest I always knew you were still in love with him" He said and she looked at him with surprise.

"I knew it all along but I kept ignoring it thinking that now that you're divorced nothing would happen between you two. But since the last couple months I could sense things changing between you two and I should've taken that warning but I didn't!" He said.

"Michael no, don't blame yourself for this! This all my fault!" She said.

"It's not a fault Bella. See I know, I'm supposed to be mad and go bonkers on you but I know what's it like to be in love. I totally understand you. That guy hasn't treated you very well since Nia came back into his life but I've seen the way he looks at you. He's still in love with you too and I'm hundred and ten percent sure that he's regretting his decisions" He said.

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