20. c o m f o r t

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  All I know
Is that I'm lost in your fire bellow
All I know is that I love you so
So much that it hurts  



I clutched the printed documents to my chest as I got out of the elevator. I walked to the reception but didn't see Sally anywhere.

Should I go in anyway?

If he's in a meeting then I'll just leave these on the table with a note. I shrugged and pushed the doors open and walked inside.

Luckily, Justin wasn't in a meeting but he wasn't working either. He stood facing the window behind his desk, with slumped shoulders while Nia yelled at him at the top of her lungs.

"I'm fucking tired of this Justin! So tired!" She screamed at him but he didn't reply and before I could turn around and leave, Nia saw me.

Oh no.

"What in God's name are you doing here?!" She growled at me and Justin turned around. I looked at him worriedly before answering Nia.

"I...I just came to drop these documents" I said.

"Documents? What kind of documents?" She asked.

Oh, she doesn't know yet I guess.

"Uh..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say now but Justin spoke for me.

"Just a couple documents that she went through for me" He said blankly and walked to me before taking them from me.

"But she doesn't work here anymore, why does she have our company's documents?!" She said.

"First of all 'our' company? Since when? and she does work here, just not full time" Justin said and she clenched her jaw.

"She works here again....why?" She asked while glaring at him.

"Because it's our company" Justin said pointing between me and him.

"Wow" She said and chuckled sarcastically.

"So what now, you two are Mr. and Mrs. Bieber again?!"


"Justin" I grabbed his arm and stopped him from speaking.

"Look, Nia, is nothing like what you think it is...I'm just helping Justin, it's too heavy for him to handle on his own" I explained.

"Oh yeah sure it is, he was doing it just fine until you decided to poke your nose between us again!" She said and I shook my head.

"Nia it's really n-

"Nia, you know what, just go home right now, we can always fight later" Justin said.

"No, I'm done fighting, find me when you get rid of your dumb brain" She spat before leaving.

I turned to look at Justin and his shoulders slumped more if possible and he let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry you had to see that" He mumbled and walked to his table and placed the papers on it.

"No, Justin, I'm sorry for coming in like that, Sally wasn't out there and if I had an idea that Nia was here, I wouldn't have come in" I said.

"I know, but she was yelling anyways, it doesn't matter" He said.

"But she knows I'm working here again now" I said worriedly and he shook his head.

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