The Eleventh Hour - Finding The Perfect Food

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Bailee's POV

"If you're a doctor, why does your box say Police?" I ask, leaning against the counter in the kitchen. This question earns me a side squint from The Doctor, as he munches the apple we gave him.

He's about to reply but was distracted by what he had just bitten into. He spits out the piece of apple in his mouth. "That's disgusting. What is that?"

"An apple" Amelia and I state together.

"Apple's rubbish. I hate apples." The Doctor rants. "No, no, no. I like yoghurt. Yoghurt's my favourite. Give me yoghurt." Amelia ran to the fridge and chucked him a yoghurt. He poured it in his mouth and instantly spat it out. "I hate yoghurt. It's just stuff with bits in." He cried.

"You said it was you favourite" Amelia and I say accusingly.

"New mouth. New rules." He replied.

"What's wrong with you??" I mutter under my breath.

"Wrong with me? It's not my fault. Why can't you give me any decent food?" The Doctor shouts. Obviously didn't mutter quiet enough. Turning to Amelia he said "You're Scottish. Fry something." Her accent is one of the few ways that people can tell that we're not siblings, the other being our different colour eyes, hers being a soft green, and mine being an intense, piercing blue, simply too different to be from the same gene pool.

She starts frying bacon whilst The Doctor dries his hair with a towel.

"Ah, bacon!" He exclaims happily... until he spits it out. Next we try beans. "Beans. Yes. Give me the beans." He says. Except he doesn't like them. "Beans are evil. Bad, bad beans. Bread and butter. Now you're talking."

One bite of the bread and butter and he chucks it straight out of the front door. "And stay out!" He shouts like a maniac. We're starting to get a bit desperate.

"We have carrots" I offer.

"Carrots? Carrots? Are you insane? No. Wait. Hang on. I know what I need. I need, I need, I need fish fingers and custard." The Doctor says. He grabs what he wants out of our fridge and sits down contentedly to enjoy it. Amelia and I just have ice cream.

"Funny" Amelia comments, happily licking her ice cream spoon. The Doctor looks at us strangely.

"Am I? Good. Funny's good. What's your name?" He asks, mainly looking at me.

"I'm Amelia Pond" she says. Amelia looks at me to see if I was going to reply. From what I could presume was a nervous look on my face, she decided it was best she answered for me. "And this is my best friend, Bailee Hope, but she stays here all the time and everyone thinks we're sisters."

"Bailee Hope" The Doctor says, almost seeing what it felt like to say it. "That's a very beautiful name. And Amelia, that's a brilliant name, like a name in a fairy tale. Are we in Scotland, Amelia?"

Happy that he'd picked up on the accent that she was so proud of, Amelia said "No, we had to move to England and it's rubbish."

"So what about your mum and dad, then? Are they upstairs? Thought we'd have woken them by now." The Doctor asks, unaware that this is a touchy subject for both of us. I excuse myself from the table and stand outside for a bit. I can hear Amelia and The Doctor still talking in the kitchen about families. I don't have one. Amelia thinks that I have someone looking after me at my house but I don't, it's just me and some dark, dark rooms. That's why I'm round hers so often, I feel safer, and loved. I even like her Aunt Sharon, although she doesn't really speak to me. I just want a parental like figure so bad that I don't even mind when she tells me off for 'influencing Amelia to do things.' I know Aunt Sharon doesn't mind me being around though, which I was really grateful for.

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