What you do that annoys him

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Harry: You talk Constantly, and then get mad when he isn't listening. Harry gets annoyed but slightly amused when you start ranting but he gets really annoyed when you're angry at him for not listening when you've been talking for 10 minutes straight.

Ron: You get angry easily, which is annoying for Ron because he never seems to say the right thing and causes a lot of arguments to break out between you two.

Neville: when you doubt yourself. Neville sees you as this confident, beautiful person And he thinks that you're perfect. So when you doubt yourself it annoys him as he believes everything you do is right.

Draco: Stopping Him from fighting. Draco feels he has a reputation to uphold and gets annoyed when you intervene a fight he was starting.

Cedric: Become Shy around his friends. Cedric understands you're a shy person and that you don't like talking to people you don't know that well, but it annoys him because it sometimes comes off as you being rude and not talking to them.

Dean: Get jealous. You get extremely jealous over him so much as talking to another girl which makes him annoyed because he feels like you don't trust him.

Seamus: Gossip. Seamus doesn't mind listening to the gossip you tell him every once in a while but most of your conversations lead to you talking about who did what.

Oliver: You never tell him what's wrong and he has to practically force it out of you, he finds it annoying because it would be so much simpler if you would just tell him what's wrong.

Fred: you hesitate, you waver, and you change your mind to please other people. Even when you're doing it for him he hates it. He wants you to be happy, do want you want and have what you want. He doesn't like you living for him or anyone else.

George: You ask him if he still loves you, all the time, you're constantly worried that he doesn't love you anymore and it annoys him because he has to keep telling you what you should already know.

Tom: You sulk. He finds it infuriating when you sulk about not being allowed to help him with his dark arts. He also thinks it's immature.

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