What people think of you two

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Harry: I hope she's able to cope with all the madness, Him being the chosen one and all.

Ron: Maybe now he'll focus on something other than food.

Neville: It's so strange that Neville managed to get someone that's so brave when he's always so nervous.

Draco: Draco is a lot nicer when she's around, she should stay.

Cedric: she's so quiet but she always talks around Cedric, they must be really close and open with eachother.

Dean: I've never seen him so happy with anyone before.

Seamus: Oh dear god i hope he doesn't accidentally blow her up.

Oliver: It's strange that they're so different yet they're so perfect for eachother.

Fred: They're so funny when they're together.

George: What a cute couple, they look so happy.

Tom: She's unusually happy and pure to be hanging around with such a dark person.

Newt: They seem to equal eachother out. It's good they found eachother.

Credence: It's nice How caring she is and how he trusts her.

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