The storyline/style of y/n

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A/N A lot of people question the styles and choices i make for each person, however i do this because for each one I've got it's own storyline in my head happening, which is why the styles i go for aren't what you'd expect typically for that character, but they go along with the individuals one, however i do try to use a range of styles and 'aesthetics' in this so that even if you don't like my choice for one character, you could look at another's and picture that for yourself instead. And yes i read every comment that shows up and i see everyone's reactions, and i do change them when many people do not like them.
But please remember i really do put effort and rime into this story as well as doing my coursework and working so please do not start harassing me or insulting my choices as I've had to block people for doing this before which i really do not want to do :/
Thank you for reading and i hope you're staying inside and staying safe.
I'll update soon xx

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