You love it when he...

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Harry: When he forgets everything that's happened and acts like a normal teenager.

Ron: When he listens you you/ admits you're right.

Neville: When he Stands up for himself.

Draco: When he opens up about everything that's upsetting him.

Cedric: When he does things for you that you're too afraid to do.

Dean: When he Makes you laugh.

Seamus: When he really focuses on important things like exams.

Oliver: When he puts you first instead of Quidditch.

Fred: When he opens up to you.

George: When he gets defensive of you to other people.

Tom: When he listens to you rant/Talk with an amused smirk.

Newt: When he acts playful and carefree.

Credence: When he suddenly becomes brave.

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