How you cuddle

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*It's my birthday today ayyyyyy ❤️

Harry: His arms are wrapped around you and your head is on his chest.

Ron: You sit between his legs sitting up.

Neville: You're on your back and he has his head on your chest with an arm around you.

Draco: You're on top of him with your head on his chest and his arms on your back.

Cedric: Spooning (I really hate that word lol) with him as the big spoon.

Dean: Classic sitting on the sofa cuddling while watching TV.

Seamus: You lay on him like you're a dead body and fall asleep.

Oliver: He'll lay on his back with your head on his stomach.

Fred: His arms around your chest and nose in your hair.

George: Your head on his shoulder with his arms around your shoulder and waist with your hand in his hair.

Tom: He lays on his back with you in the crook of his arm with your head on his shoulder/neck.

Newt: Your face in his neck with arm on his chest.

Credence: Your head on his shoulder and arms around him (He doesn't do much.)

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