What he taught you

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Harry: Doesn't matter who your biological family is, your real family is whoever you choose.

Ron: Forgive and let go.

Neville: Even the shyest of people can become brave.

Draco: To defend yourself against people.

Cedric: Not to care what other people think about you.

Dean: To trust people.

Seamus: Just because you're not good at one thing doesn't mean you're bad at everything.

Oliver: To try at everything until you succeeded.

Fred: It doesn't make you bad to get a few detentions sometimes.

George: The importance of friends and family.

Tom: That you don't always have to do what people tell you to.

Newt: How you can stay calm when you feel like everyone's against you.

Credence: That failure is the real evidence that we've tried.

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