Why you got a detention

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Harry: You rolled your eyes at Umbridge when she told you off for chewing gum.

Ron: You took a nap on the common room sofa and woke up after school hours had ended.

Neville: You kicked Draco in the shin because he was rude to Neville.

Draco: You were gossiping really loudly in herbology and the teacher heard.

Cedric: you couldn't answer a question in snape's class and he got annoyed.

Dean: You left your homework on the table in the great hall and forgot it.

Seamus: You were 30 minutes late to charms because you were taking a nap in a broom closet.

Oliver: You yelled at a girl who was flirting with Oliver during class.

Fred: You threatened to get your parents to fire Umbridge.

George: You helped him prank Snape and got caught.

Tom: You were in the restricted section past curfew reading.

Newt: You punched a guy because he touched you.

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