How you spend quarentine:

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Harry: Practicing spells.

Ron: Eating all the snacks in the house.

Neville: Gardening and spending time reading up on herbology.

Draco: Playing and messing about with potions seeing what you can create.

Cedric: mostly fighting and making up every five seconds.

Dean: Trust me you don't wanna know.

Seamus: Binge watching every Netflix show you can find.

Oliver: Playing quidditch and hitting him with the quaffle.

Fred: Napping 24/7z

George: Sanitising every single item in the store.

Tom: Showing him muggle movies and trying to convince him they're not bad creatures.

Newt: Doing the usual as you're barely out of the suitcase anyways.

Credence: mostly spent reassuring him that everything's going to be okay

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