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I woke up the next day to Kim and Macayla huddles together still asleep. It was silent, normally my sister was yelling. I shrugged and headed for a shower. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a pony tail. I put on some high waisted jeans, a white cropped top, a leather jacket and black combat boots. I did my make up and the girls woke up.
"Jeez. Your ready already!" Kim giggled.
"Well it is 8am" I chuckled, knowing we had to be at school in 45 minutes.
"What! Why didn't you wake us!!!" Macayla yelled as they both raced to the bathroom.
"Cuz this is funny" I giggled and my phone rang. The hospital.
"Hello?" I said when I answered.
"Hello. Is this Riley Adams?" A man asked.
"Yes. Whats happened?" I asked, thinking my brother was gonna be in hospital.
"Well, yesterday about 7pm, your mother and younger sister were in a car crash. They are here now. We tried to call you but you never picked up" he explained. My world froze right there. They were in a coma. I might loose them.
"Um, can I come up to see them? Now?" I asked.
"Yes. See you soon Miss Adams" he said, "and I'm sorry." The call ended with a beep and the girls walked out giggling and noticed me and stopped.
"Riley?" Macayla called.
"My mum and sister were in a car a crash yesterday. I'm going to see them. Do you mind going without me?" I asked.
"Yeah sure. We can come with" Kim offered.
"No, it's okay. I'll be back at school in an hour or 2" I smiled and we walked down. I jumped in my car and they got in Macaylas Ferrari.
I sped straight to the hospital and ran straight to the desk.
"Can I help you?" A girl asked me.
"Um. Mrs Becky Adams and Miss Ruby Adams. They were in last night?" I asked.
"Oh yes. You can see Ruby. But not your mother. A doctor will explain soon" she nodded and I nodded. "Ruby is in room 456 b" she smiled and I ran. I got to the room, and flung the door open, to see my sister with a bandage around her head, a cast on her left leg and right arm. A nurse was next to her. The sound of the door made Ruby look up and her face lightened.
"RILEY!!" She yelled. I ran to her and engulfed her in a hug and she started to cry on my shoulder.
"Hey baby girl. It's okay" I assured her, stroking her hair.
"I love you Ri-Ri" she sobbed.
"I love you too Rubs" I said back, and my voice cracked.
"Are you Miss Adams?" The nurse asked me when I pulled away from Ruby.
"Um yes" I replied.
"I need to talk with you and your sister. Where's Mr Max Admas?" She asked.
"I don't know. But I will let him know whatever this is" I told her and she nodded.
"I don't want to be the one to tell you this....but your mother didn't make it" she told me. My world froze once again. Both of my parents died in the same way. In a car crash. My sister could've died as well.
"Fuck" I cried and held my face in my hands as I cried.
"What does she mean Riley?" Ruby asked confused.
"Mummy's gone to heaven. She's safe now with daddy" I smiled weakly. She nodded and I saw a tear trickle down end cheek.
"Hey Ruby. Instead of the carnival this weekend, let's watch a film and beg Maxy to come. But I need to go to school now. I'll be back in a hours, okay?" I asked her.
"Okay Riley. Have fun. Love you" she smiled weakly.
"I love you too. Always have, always will" I smiled and walked out leaving her with the nurse. I headed to the bathroom and broke down. I cried for a solid 10 minutes and my face was stained. I washed off my make up until I wasn't wearing any. I headed to my car and drove to school, fighting tears on the way. I parked my car next to the yellow Ferrari and headed to my lesson, which was History with the old hag Mrs Elbs. If she gave me any shit, I was gonna go mad. Dan and the guys were in that class, Elyse and Lucy was, Sam and Colby were and luckily Kim and Macayla. I reached the class I swung open the door, slamming it behind me.
"Your late Riley" Mrs Elbs said to me. I turned to her and looked at her stupidly.
"No shit you old hag" I retorted and tried to walk away, but she caught my arm.
"Don't speak to me like that young lady!" She yelled at me.
"Look. I am not in the mood for your shit today. I wanna fucking slice someone's throat right now. Or my own. I don't ducking care. Just get on with the lesson" I snarled back, pulled my elbow away and headed to my seat between Kim and Macayla.
"Why you in a mood? Mommy didn't wake you up this morning?" Elyse sneered and some of the class laughed. I threw my bag to Kim and lunged at Elyse, knocking her off the chair and I sat on her waist.
"Look slut. No. My mum didn't wake me up this morning because she died today in a car crash. I also almost lost my little sister. So say shit about my mode and mum again, she won't be the only one dead" I growled and bitch slapped her. She had some different emotions running thought her eyes. Fear, anger but sympathy.
I stood up, brushed myself down and say at my seat.
"Riley. Wanna talk about it later?" Kim whispered to me. I nodded and paid attention to the class. In the corner of me eye, I saw Sam staring at me. It was kinda cute. I looked at at him and smiled. He smiled back, blushed and out his head down.
"So, in the Victorian times, what was Queen Victoria's ex husband called?" Our teacher asked.
"Riley!" Someone yelled. I snapped up my head and saw Max, Blaze and Casey. They all had fresh cuts and bruises covering them. They all stepped into the room and 4 more injured guys stood behind the three.
"No. It was-" Mrs Ebs started to say, but I cut her off my shoving my chair back and it hit the wall. I jumped over my desk and raced to my brother. I crashed into him and tried to hold back tears.
"Excuse me sir? You and your friends cannot be in here!" Mrs Ebs yelled.
"Shut it you old hag" Max snapped and hugged me tightly.
"What happened now?" I asked him and the guys behind him, stepping back a little.
"We found the guys who killed mom and dad" Max replied.
"What? We got told the guys who killed dad died as well!!" I replied.
"No. We found him" Blaze smirked.
"Ruby's battered up. Bandage on her head, a broken left leg and right arm" I informed him. He nodded as if he already knew.
"You both are gonna be staying with me until things are cleared. People are after you and Ruby" Casey smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I can take care of them. Just give me a crow bar and a base ball bat" I smiled.
I was now joined my Kim and Macayla.
"Can you all talk somewhere else? You are disturbing my class" Mrs Ebs pleaded.
"Shut up!" All 10 of us yelled.
"We can take care of them" Kim smiled and placed a hand on my other shoulder.
"We can tell. Are those the guys who you beat up?" Blaze snickered, nodding towards Dan and his gang. Us girls nodded. Max, Casey, Blaze and the other 4 guys burst out laughing and so did everyone else.
"What are you laughing at Riley? Want me to tell everyone about our sex life?" Gareth growled. Max walked up to him and got in his face.
"If you say anything to my sister, including you mates and those fake barbie dolls, y'all won't live to tell the tale to tell anyone what I did" max sneered and I grinned at my brother, knowing I was always protected. Dans gang and the barbies all nodded scared,t and my brother walked back to me.
"I'll meet you at the hospital at 4. Be there or Blaze will come get you" Max smiled.
"Over my shoulder and it'll be a nice view" blaze smirked and I smacked the back of his head playfully. He grunted and they all left.
"Be there!" Max yelled as he walked out.
"Will do dickhead!!!" I yelled back.
"You and your brother have a lovely relationship" Kim joked and we headed to our seats with everyone's eyes on us.
"Eh" I shrugged and carried on taking notes as if nothing had happened.
Next lesson was design, but as I got to the door, I was stopped but the teacher.
"Hey sir" I smiled.
"Hey Riley. I need to talk to you" he smiled and I nodded.
"As much as I don't wanna do this because your my favourite student, the head is making me transfer you to music instead, because of your behaviour yesterday but they deserved it" he pouted.
"Bummer. So I gotta go now?" I asked. He nodded and handed me a note.
"See you later!" I smiled.
"See you in Art!" He yelled back and I walked towards music. I got to the door and knocked softly.
The door opened and the teacher looked like he was gonna pass out.
"Umm...Riley Adams. What are you doing in here?" He stuttered, dabbing his forehead with his tie. Everyone gasped around us. I giggled to myself.
"Our dick of a headteacher made me transfer from Design to Music. Mr Roberts was sad to see me go. Your stuck with me you lucky old bean" I grinned and handed him the note. He sighed and let me in.
"Sit at the back. That way you won't bother me" he sighed.
"Hey! I like Music. I was great last year. With the piano, singing and stuff. Until you transferred me" I giggled and looked over to the back and saw Sam and Colby looking over at me. I smiled and walked over to them.
"Hey" I smiled and took a seat.
"Hey Riley" Colby smiled. Sam nodded and looked at his music sheet.

------Sam's P.O.V-------

Me and Colby were in Music and we were taking notes and there was a soft knock on the door. Our teacher opened it and looked like he was gonna pass out.
"Um...Riley Adams. What are you doing in here?" He stuttered, dabbing his forehead with his tie. Everyone gasped around us. I then heard her giggle. Riley? What was she doing here?
"Our dick of a headteacher made me transfer from Design to Music. Mr Roberts was sad to see me go. Your stuck with me you lucky old bean" she replied and the teaches was handed a note. He sighed and let her in.
"Sit at the back. That way you won't bother me" he sighed. The only seat at the back was next to me. Oh no....
"Hey! I like Music. I was great last year. With the piano, singing and stuff. Until you transferred me" she giggled and looked over to me and Colby. She smiled and walked over. Oh fuck....

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