//All of me//

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It's back to Riley's P.O.V

At the moments, we could choose any instrument to play and practice for 2 hours seen as Design and Music were the only double hour lessons. No-one had taken to the piano yet, so I skipped over to it and sat on the bench.
"You play?" Colby asked as him and Sam sat on chairs near me with guitars.
"Yep. My dad taught me and bought me a piano for my 6th birthday" I smiled and traced my fingers lightly over the keys.
"Can you show us?" Sam asked. I nodded.
"Just don't watch me. I get self conscious and embarrassed" I begged and they nodded.
I started to play 'All of me' by John Legend and sang only loud enough for Sam and Colby to hear. After I finished I sighed, spun around and rested my head on the piano.
Colby and Sam were looking at me with amaze and shock.
"What?" I chuckled nervously.
"You cam play! And sing" Sam chuckled and I giggled.
"I see you still go it I see?" Mr Hobbs smiled and rested his legs on a table.
"Told you I liked music" I giggled.
"If you keep it up and produce good pieces like that, you could get am A* in your final exams" he told me. In my head, I silently cheered.
"Keep it up" he smiled, ruffled my hair and walked away.
"What other instruments can you play?" Sam asked me as Colby quietly played.
"A little guitar and drums and violin" I smiled.
"That's awesome" Sam smiled and we just looked at eachother. We didn't look away until Colby started to sing stupidly.
"WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU!!" He yelled. Me and Sam burst out laughing.
"Okay, where the hell did that come from?" Sam chuckled.
"I dunno. It needed to be let out" Colby chuckled and started to play again. Sam paid his attention to his guitar and I paid attention to the piano. I was in the middle of my dads favourite song when the bell rang.
"C'mon. Wanna come with me to meet Macayla and Kim?" I asked Sam and Colby as I grabbed my bag.
"Sure. Do you mind if a few of our mates come as well?" Colby asked.
"Yeah, wanna meet us in the cafeteria? I need the toilet and then I gotta find those two" I asked. They nodded and I walked out. I went to the toilet and saw Kim and Macayla walked around looking for me.
"Hey girlies" I smiled and they smiled back.
"Wanna talk yet?" Kim asked.
"I'm Art. Sam, Colby and a few of their mates are gonna meet us in the cafeteria" I explained and they smiled.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"You like one of them" Macayla giggled and nudged me. I rolled my eyes and as we entered the cafeteria, I saw Gareth and Dan walking in Sam and Colby's direction.
"Not on my watch" I muttered and we sped walked over. We stepped in front of Sam and Colby and looked at them.
"Hey boys" I smiled at Sam, Colby and there 2 mates. They smiled back and I looked at Dan and Gareth.
"Oh your still here. Bye" I smiled and they looked at me confused.
"Why are you with them?" Dan spat.
"Because they are not jerks, cool, and funny" I smiled.
"What?" Gareth asked.
"Are you deaf? Want me to give you a hearing aid?" I asked and my mates laughed behind me.
"Ugh, suck your mom" Gareth muttered but I hear.
"You fucking cunt!" I yelled and lunged for him, but Kim and Macayla caught both of my arms.
"Let me go! He deserves to die. Let me hurt him again" I struggled, but they were both as strong as me, but double when together.
"No. Not here. Later. Get Max to help" Kim told me.
"Max can't always protect me. I can kill someone on my own. It's easy" I whined and stopped pulling.
"Good girl. Now sit" dam chuckled. I frowned and kicked him full force in the balls.
"Good luck having kids mate" I smiled.
"That's the 3rd guy in 4 years you've stopped having kids" Macayla sighed but laughed  after. Dan hobbled away in pain and Gareth followed winking at me.
"Ew. He winked. I'm gonna get a disease" I shuddered and sat next to Sam, whilst the girls took seats across from me, but not next to the boys.
"I'm sorry you 4 had to witness that. But seen as my mum just died, I'm gonna be a bitch" I apolagized to a smirking Colby, a smiling Sam, and grinning Reed and Demming. I know them because they are in my art class.
"You've always been a bitch" reed and Kim said at the same time. I shot playful glares and stole Kim's fries.
"They are mine!" She whined.
"Mine now" I chuckled and ate them. We all them basically had a blast and fun sitting on that little table.
"Kimmo. Macay. Wanna come to see Ruby with me after school?" I asked.
"Yes!" They both squealed.
"I know half of that 'yes' is because of Blaze and Casey" I giggled and they groaned.
"They are hot" Kim added.
"You can't say they ain't" Macayla told me.
"I can because they are basically my other older brothers" I giggled and they nodded in agreement.
"Yo Riley. Me, Demming and Reed won't be in art...cuz we need to head somewhere with Colby and Sam" Macayla said to me.
"Okay. I got Kimmo, or you just wanna go to the hospital straight away?" I asked her.
"Let's go to Wendy's, then take some Wendy's to your sister" Kim smiled. I nodded and the bell rang.
"Cya later boys!" I smiled and hugged them, which they returned. I hugged Sam last, and I got a weird feeling in my stomach. I ignored it and headed to my rover with Kim by my side.

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