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I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. It was Monday morning. School time....
I groaned and walked to my bathroom, showering and straightening my hair when I got out. I did my makeup and started to look for some clothes. I got some white ripped jeans, a pale pink cropped top, a pale pink hoodie, pale pink converse and a pale pink SnapBack which I wore backwards. I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket. I grabbed my rucksack and headed downstairs, closing my door behind me.

6 flights of stairs later...

I grabbed myself some cereal and swallowed it quickly, because I now had to leave earlier because we were hidden in the woods. I finished at 7:45 and headed to my car, but it was sat there and my brother and his friends were climbing into it.
"Um what are you doing with my car?" I asked.
"We has a meeting and we can't take a Porsche...so you take my car" Max smiled.
"What about Ruby?" I asked.
"What do you think the house maid is for?" Blaze chuckled and closed his door. I shrugged and climbed into Max's Porshe. I pulled out of the drive and went 40 down our little road. I arrived at school 5 minute before the bell and I parked speedily next to the yellow Ferrari and a car I didn't recognise. It was a black rover. Sam and Colby then climbed out of the rover laughing. I giggled and climbed out to be greeted by Kim's squealing voice.
"Guess who has a boyfriend?!!" She sang.
"No way! Miles Cirus got a boyfriend! I'm soooo happy!!" I cheered and she rolled her eyes.
"No. Me dumbass. Blaze asked me this morning. Casey and Macayla have a date tonight" she chuckled and I was greeted by Sam kissing my cheek softly.
"Hey babe. Hey Colbs" I smiled.
"Hey" the both said and Kim held a cigarette out to me. I shook my head and her and Macayla looked at me confused, along with Sam and Colby.
"I have this" I smiled and grabbed Max's vape from his passenger seat.
"Max shouldn't leave his things lying around" I giggled and they laughed. I slipped the vape in my pocket and walked into the school building with my 4 friends by my side. We headed to our lockers, which were surprising next to eachother. Reed and Demming soon joined us and made our group a total of 7.
"What have you got first?" Sam asked me.
"Ugh, English with Jefferson" I groaned and everyone chuckled.
"We do as well!!" Kim cheered and Macayla, Sam, Colby, Reed and Demming nodded in agreement.
"Wow. God has finally let me have a good day without anything bad happening" I smiled and hesitated, "well we still have the barbies and the dicks to run into" I chuckled and rested my head on Sam's shoulder as we walked to our first class.
We walked in and took our seats. The boys were across the room and I was sat next to Kim. Macayla was sat next to a girl with a really bad perm who was obsessed with bugs.
We got about 30 minutes into the lesson and I caught Sam looking at me.
"Whatcha looking at Samuel?" I giggled and everyone looked up from their books, thinking some shit was gonna go down.
"I dunno...something that may need some help...mental help" he joked and I acted hurt. My friend chuckled and everyone 'oohed' around us, still not knowing me and Sam were dating.
"Oh really?" I asked standing up. My teacher rolled her eyes and paid her attention to a book. She wasn't entirely bothered on what I did. I walked over to Sam and our classmates got hyped thinking we were gonna beef. Colby was on Sam's left, Reed was on his right and Demming was next to Reed. I got to Sam and sat on his lap.
"What did you say Sam?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face.
"I said that you need help" he said with a straight face, but I saw the corners of his mouth tugging up. "What you gonna do about it?"
Everyone started to murmur around us. I picked out 'he's dead' and 'a fight any second now'.
"I'll just have to do this" I chuckled and pressed my lips to his, resting one hand on his chest and the other on his neck. He moved one hand to my face and the other rested on the small of my back, pulling me closer. Our lips were moving slow and in sync.
"Get in there Riley and Sam!!!" I heard Kim yell. That caused me and Sam to pull away and start to laugh. The rest of our friends started to laugh whilst everyone was confused as fuck.
"Well, you might have to make more insults like that if she's gonna punish you like that Sammy boy" Reed applauded.
"Oh. That's not his only punishment. I'm not done" I smirked and pecked his lips, stood up and started to walk away, remembering to sway my hips a little. I sat back down and Reed, Colby and Demming were grinning and applauding Sam, whilst Sam was blushing and biting his lip whilst looking at me. I winked and looked over to Macayla who was being entertained with some bugs.
"No. I do not want to pet your bugs. Get away from me" she yelled at the bug fetish girl. Me and Kim burst out laughing and Macayla looked at us with the look to say 'kill me or save me now'.
The lesson went by quickly and it was soon Maths, who I only had with Macayla. We headed and everyone stared at us. Well, me. I chuckled to myself as me and Macayla made our way to our desk.
"Can I make an insult?" Gareth winked at me and shifted his chair closer to me.
"Sure. If you wanna get a beating" I shrugged and he looked at me with confusion.
"But what about blondie?" He asked, referring to Sam.
"He's an exception" I chuckled and Macayla choked on the gum she was chewing, trying not to get caught.
"Whatever" Gareth shrugged and sat next to bug boy, bug girls best friend.

---Imma skip all the lessons---

It was now lunch and I was walking with Reed to meet the others on the field.
"He asked you if he could make an insult hoping you'd kiss him?" Reed panted through his laughs.
"Yep. I told him Sam was an exception but he looked dumb enough to not know what I mean" I giggled and he laughed even harder. We got to the field and met the others under our tree. Everyone was laughing and Sam was moody.
"Why do you look moody?" I asked, hugging him and looking at his face.
"I was just telling Sam and other others what happened in maths with Gareth. It's funny, but Sam doesn't seem to think so" Macayla panted and leaned against the tree for support. I chuckled and hugged him tightly.
"Don't be mad baby" I pouted and he smiled.
"I'm not mad. Annoyed" he chuckled and kissed my forehead.
"Yo! Adams!" I heard a pissed voice yell. I turned my head and saw Gareth marching towards us, with a limping Dan behind him.
"What now Gareth?" I sighed and moved away from Sam so they couldn't come any further.
"So why can't I get a private show?" He asked smug. I heard muffled laughs behind us and a sigh.
"Cuz that would be clast as cheating on someone and I'm not a cheat" I answered, "plus your a jerk"
"Your not dating anyone" he replied.
"That's where your wrong" I chuckled and flipped him off, walking back to Sam and kissing his cheek.
"Okay man. That's kinda cute" Dan smiled, but Gareth hit him in the stomach, causing Dan to fall to the floor in pain.
"Shut up!!" Gareth yelled to Dan and turned to face me, anger in his eyes. The others aided Dan and I stood in front of Gareth.
"Your gonna regret leaving me bitch" he growled and swung his fist at me, which caught my cheekbone.. I saw Max, Blaze, Casey, Tiarna and 5 other guys near Dan. Max nodded and I nodded back. I swung my left foot up and stuck him in the jaw, making him stumble backwards. He swung for me again and caught my lip, drawing blood.
"Once your draw blood on an Adams, it's possible death for the opponent" I chuckled, using Max's line, which caused him and his gang to laugh. I swung my fist back and contacted his jaw again. I took another blow to his face which hit his eyes. I kicked him in the stomach and he fell back. I climbed on his waist Dan started to punch him repeatedly in the face.
"Never. Hit. A. Girl. Cunt. Dickhead" I growled between each punch. He had a bleeding eyebrow, a bleeding nose and lip, and a swollen jaw and cheekbone. I chuckled and stood up, wiping blood off my knuckles and lip.
"Are you okay baby" Sam asked, rushing to me.
"I'm fine. Gareth on the other hand..." I trailed off and he chuckled. He pulled me close and kissed me on the lips. I swear this guy gives my butterflies. We pulled away after 20 seconds and looked at Dan, who was in serious pain.
"Hey Dan. Are you okay man?" I asked, crouching next to him.
"No. Gareth beats me and my stomach and leg kills. I fucking hate him" he hissed in pain when Tiarna wrapped a piece of fabric around his leg.
"Your a better fighter in person" Max smiled and ruffled my hair.
Max stood up and made his way over to Gareth who was now stood up and wiping blood off his face.
"Oh kid. This is for your fist making contact with my sisters face" he smiled and took a blow to Gareth's face, sending him on the floor a few feet away. I smiled and knew my brother was a great fighter.
"We'd punch him for hurting our lil sis, but he's been through enough the past 5 minutes" Blaze chuckled and I giggled. Kim made her way over to Blaze and pressed her lips to his, which he happily returned.
"So Maxy, who do you want me to match make you with?" I asked and he chuckled. He looked at Tiarna and she smiled shyly.
"I got Tiarna" he smiled and I cheered.
"Calm down babe" Sam chuckled and pulled me close to him, hugging me.
"Colby. Reed. Demming. You guys are next" I smiled and they cheered.
After help Dan to the school nurse, we all stood in the parking lot.
"I need your help sis" Max sighed and I looked at him confused. All my friends for confused and stepped into a line, me in the middle.
"Why?" I asked.
"The guy who killed mom and dad....he's after us. Me, you and ruby. He's gonna try and kill us" he replied.
"I'll help, I'll kill the bastard if I have to" I replied and he nodded.

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