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Whoa what? I have a twin brother!! Since when?!?
"What? How come I never knew?" I asked confused.
"Because shorty here kidnapped me from the birth unit and separated me from you. He claimed to be my real dad for the past 17 years of my life, but I found out Max WA day brother because he looked just like me. I confronted baldie about it the other day and he held me hostage" the boy explained.
"Oh. Well...WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!" I yelled and the bald guy sneered.
"But you ain't getting out. When Max arrived, I will hold him hostage and kill al of you together" the man smiled.
"No you won't" me and my dad growled.
"We'll see" the man smiled and I was tied up again. Then 6 men walked out and we were sat in silence.
"How are we gonna get out?" My mum sobbed.
"I was with Kim, Macayla, Colby, Sam, Reed and Demming when the men came to my place. I told everyone to hide so they wouldn't get hurt and I have Reed my phone so they could call Max" I explained.
"So you still live at the house?" Dad asked me.
"Nope. Me and Ruby live with Max, Casey and Blaze. The house was sold and he has a better place" I answered and he smiled. We all started to talk about getting free but it was soon ended when the bald man came back on his own.
"Who's first to die seen as Max won't come?" He chuckled.
"You bluff" me and my dad snarled.
"Do I?" He chuckled and shot my mom. The bullet went through her head. She went limp and stopped breathing instantly.
"You bastard! You killed my mum for real now!" I yelled and tried to get free, but the ropes wouldn't budge.
"Your next" he growled and paced over to me. He pressed the gun to my temple and I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath.
"I love y'all. If you make it out, tell my friends I love them. And tell Sam I love him so much" I said, and my voice croaked. Then there was a gun shot. But I was still breathing.
"Here come the rescue team!!" Some sang. I opened my eyes and saw the bald man on the floor, with a bullet wound on leg. I looked toward the door and saw Max, Casey and Blaze. Behind them was the gang and all my friends. But none of them had spoken. It was a different voice...but one I knew. A blonde haired man walked through the door and shot every man that was an enemy in the knee caps. Cameron. I wiggled my wrists free and cut everyone free. My dad, new brother and younger sister all hid in a corner. A guard came towards me next. He was about 7ft and had a lot of muscle on him. He would possibly kill me.mHe hardly had any. He lunged at me and punched my face. It hit my cheekbone and I winced in pain. I them felt a similar substance trickle down my face.
"Once you draw blood on an Adams, it's possible death for the opponent" I growled and picked up my pocket knife and sliced part of his arm. He howled in pain and I looked at my dad, signalling me him to cover Ruby's eyes and ears. He did so and I punched the guards face. He lunged at me and knocked me to the floor, straddling my waist and aiming his fists at my face. He was about to catch my nose to kill me, but someone hit his head with a metal pole. He rolled off me ad blood started to trickle from his head. I looked up and saw my brother, whose name I still didn't know. He held his hand out to me and I took it, pulling me up. I grabbed a metal pole and we stood back to back, watching out for anyone coming at us. I saw Reed, Demming, Colby and Sam helping my sister get away whilst Sam stared at me in shock. Did he think I was cheating? I dunno. But he still stood there with Kim, my dad, Macayla and Tiarna watching from aside. Casey and Blaze took some men in the far left and Max and Cameron were working on some guards on the right. Kim and Macayla joined when some women guards joined. A guard came at me and I swung the pole at his head, knocking him out straight away.
"Nice hit sis" the guy behind me said.
"Your my brother and I still don't know your name" I chuckled as he hit a man unconscious on the floor.
"My names Cade sister" he replied. The bald man then stood up and headed for my brother. Cade swung for him, but missed and the bald man spun Cade around and held him by the throat, and pressed a gun to his temple.
"Stop fighting or I shoot!" He yelled and Max coughed.
"He's on your side. Why would we stop?" Max chuckled and hit a man straight into the jaw.
"Max. Stop! He's our brother! My twin. Baldie here basically kidnapped him after mine and his birth" I shouted and everyone stopped fighting. I saw Sam smile slightly.
Max walked over to me and put something in my back pocket. I reached my hand and felt it. It was a gun. I held it in my hand as everyone stood still.
"I'll kill him. I swear I will. I don't bluff" the bald man snarled.
"Terry. We know. Me and Riley said that and you shot my wife dead in front of us" my dad snarled and stood by my side.
"Let him go" I snarled, slipping the gun out of my back pocket, but keeping it behind me. I heard the others gasp and mumble behind me.
"No" Gary smirked, and pressed the gun harder to Cade's temple.
"Your choice" I shrugged and pulled out the gun, aiming it at Terry's head.
"You shoot, I shoot" I growled and he stared at me in shock.
"You bluff" he chuckled.
"Do I?" I chuckled, using his words from earlier and I pulled the trigger, sending the bullet through his head and killing him instantly. He dropped to the floor and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Moms dead for real now, isn't she?" Max asked. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug.
"Welcome to the family" I smiled at Cade and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and kissed my head.
"I'm glad he's dead" my dad breathed and I chuckled.
"Aren't we all?" Max smiled.
"Riley?" I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Sam standing in the middle of the room. I dropped my gun and raced to him, crashing our lips together as we met. He kissed me back as I placed my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me closer than we already were. I ignored that everyone was basically watching us and continued kissing the guys I loved. We both pulled away to breathe and had huge smiles on our faces. I looked around and saw Blaze and Kim kissing, Max and Tiarna kissing, and Macayla and Casey kissing. I looked at Cade and he was looking at someone with heart eyes. I followed his gaze and it lead to Colby, who was looking at Cade in the same way. I tapped Sam shoulder and nodded towards what was catching me attention.
"It's match making time" Sam cheered quietly in my ear and I giggled. We cleared everything up. Aka, the guards bodies and Terry's body and every evidence they owned. The cops arrived soon after and took away my moms body forever. I would only see her at her funeral.
Some of us then headed back to my place. Me, Cade, Ruby, Max, my dad, Macayla, Blaze, Casey, Kim, Sam, Colby, Reed, Demming, Cameron and Tiarna. As soon as we got in the kitchen, I brought Cameron into a hug.
"I'm glad my favourite cousin is back!!" I cheered and he hugged me tightly, rocking on his feet.
"I'm back for good" he chuckled and I smiled.
"And seriously. Here comes the rescue team?" I chuckled and he smirked.
"I was in a good mood to see you after 2 years" he surrendered and I kissed his cheek before he heads up to one of the rooms he now called his. Macayla and Casey started dating on the way here so they headed to Casey's room whilst Blaze and Kim headed to Blazes room. Max and Tiarna went to Max's room, my dad went to his new room and Ruby went to hers. It was now just me, Sam, Colby, Cade, Reed and Demming in the kitchen.
"I still can't believe I never knew I had 3 siblings. Let alone a stunning twin sister who kicks ass!" Cade whisper yelled. I giggled.
"And who knew I had an awesome, look alike twin whose name I didn't know for 1 hour of meeting him" I chuckled and he rolls his eyes.
"See you in the morning guys" he chuckled, kissed my head and walked to his new room.
"I'm glad your safe" Sam sighed and kissed my head.
"I still can't believe you pulled the trigger" Demming chuckled.
"You'd do the same if your twin was balancing between life or death" I chuckled and kissed Sam's jaw.
"Can we sleep in the spare room?" Reed asked, resting his head on Demming's shoulder. I nodded and I telepathically asked reed if him and Demming were a thing. He nodded and I cheered in my head.
"Yeah sure. Night" I smiled and they walked up.
"Colbyyyy" me and Sam chuckled at the same time.
"Whattt?" He chuckled in the same tone.
"I saw how you and Cade looked at eachother" I smiled and winked. Colby immediately flushed a bright red and me and Sam chuckled.
"It's okay if you like him Colbs" I smiled and hugged his side.
"Yeah, you two are the only people that know I'm gay" he murmured whilst me and sam awed.
"Go get him tiger, soon it'll be" Sam smiled and Colby chuckled.
"C'mon" I smiled and towed both of the boys upstairs. Colby took place on my couch and Sam took off his shirt and laid on my bed in his jeans. I ran to my bathroom and did my business. I changed into a baggy shirt that reached my mid thigh and onto wore my underwear underneath. I skipped back over to my bed, trying not to wake Colby, and cuddled up to Sam.
"I'm glad your safe" he sighed and kissed my head.
"Me too" I admitted and he chuckled. He trailed his hand down my back and smacked my ass, causing me to gasp.
"Samuel Golbach!" I scolded and pouted.
"C'mon! You know you love me!" He chuckled and pulled me close to him. I gave in and snuggled my head into his chest.
"Yeah I do" I sighed and he chuckled quietly.
"I love you too" he said and I fell into a deep slumber, knowing I was safe and with the guy I loved.

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