//Gun Point//

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Me, Kim, Macayla, Blaze, Casey and Cade all quietly split up across the hall and watched the guy. He was at the front, holding a small pistol, and had 5 people behind. him. 3 guys, 2 girls. I looked at Blaze and he nodded signalling me to go forward. I nodded back to him and crept forward a little. I looked around and the only people in the hall was my gang, Sam and them lot, then Terry's brothers gang. Kim crept to the exit doors and locked them, so no one could get in and no one could get out.
"There she is!!" One of those women yelled and looked at me with a sly smile. The lights turned on and Terry's brother was looking at me. I stood up and kept my hand at the bottom of my dress. The others stood up and backed my flanks.
"I want her" the man said.
"What do you mean, you want me?" I growled, itching for my gun.
"I want you to join me. I hated my brother and I was happy to see him go. I want you to leave your pathetic gang and come to my gang, where you shall marry me" he announced with a sly smile.
"I would rather die" I growled and the girl who spoke before shrugged.
"Your choice" she said and stepped forward, aiming the gun at my head. I chuckled and did the same. Then Max, Tiarna and my dad came running from the backdoor and Max stood next to me.
"You okay?" Max whispered.
"Yeah" I said and pulled the trigger, sending it through the girls head, killing her instantly and making her body fall to the floor with a heap and blood started to spew everywhere.
"I didn't like her anyway" Terry's brother said with a sigh. I looked at the others and the shrugged. I then saw one of the other gangs guy was walking slowly to where Sam was. I gasped and Kim pulled the trigger at him, on both his knee caps so he couldn't walk.
"My numbers are going down...but not enough" the man smiled and 2 more guys stepped in.
"Fuck" me, Cade and Max mumbled in unison.
"Just give me the girl and we leave" the man said and walked towards me.
"No" Max growled and tightened his grip on the gun he held.
"Your choice" he said and pulled out a gun, shooting Kim in the arm. She screamed in pain and I growled. Blaze growled behind me and pulled the trigger to his gun, it hitting the man in the stomach. Then all hell broke loose. Gun shots were firing everywhere and blood dripped on the floor. I looked over to where Sam was and an enemy was backing over to them. I caught Tiarna, Kim and Macayla and we headed over to protect the boys.
"Hello boys" Macayla smiled and ducked next to a tabes when a bullet flee her way.
"Lovely evening, isn't it?" Reed chuckled.
"Very" I laughed and peeped over a table to shoot and duck down.
"Right. We need tactics. Everyone is just firing everywhere" Kim said and a bullet hit the wall next to us.
"I can climb up to the foamers and spray it all over, making the other gang slip and gives us an advantage" I suggested and Tiarna high fived me.
"I'll go with you" Kim said and I nodded.
"Me and Macayla will protect the boys" Tiarna said and I nodded, running backstage with Kim. I looked at her and saw her arm was bleeding bad. I tore a strip off my dress and wrapped it around her wound, stopping the blood. We then climbed up the ladder and reached the top, where all the water sprayers where.
"We can do the water then foam" Kim said and I nodded. She switched on the water and it started to rain down on everyone. I grabbed the hose for the foam and sprayed it at the area the enemy's were. They all started to slip and slide and everyone was trying not to laugh.
"This isn't over Adams" the man growled and slipped through the door with his gang following. At the moment, me and Kim were on a pipe and were trying to keep our balance.
"Where's Kim and Riley?" Blaze said as everyone, including the boys, all walked into the middle.
"We're here BITCHHSSSS!!!" Me and Kim yelled and they all snapped their heads up, to laugh afterwards.
"What happened to your dress?!?" Macayla yelled. I pointed to Kim's arm and she smiled. I looked down and it was only a 15ft drop.
"Riley Jump!" Kim yelled to me. I looked around and saw she was now standing below me. I saw she had taken the ladder down, but placed it further away so I would have to jump.
"If I break my leg, I'm shooting you in the arm" I warned and turned my gun onto safety mode.
"Don't hurt yourself!!" Sam yelled and I rolled my eyes with a smile. I lowered myself so I was holding onto the pipes with my hands and I let myself drop. I fell through air and I knew my dress was flying up. I landed and fell on my ass. I winced and laid on my back.
"So graceful" Blaze muttered and I shot him a glare.
"I'm a very graceful person actually" I panted.
"About as graceful as your fist steps. Clumsy" my dad chucked and I smiled.
"Need help?" Kim asked and shook my head. I stood up and immediately regretted it. I fell back down sat with one leg propped up and the other laid flat.
"Oh no..." Kim whispered and I looked at her with a dumb look.
"Yes 'oh no'" I growled and reached for my gun, but a hand stopped me. I looked up and saw Sam was looking at me with a warning look. I rolled my eyes and his hand Ravens under towards my free and lifting it up, and started to take away the strap and gun. I gasped quietly when his cold hands touched my thigh and I saw him smirk. He took it off and handed it to my dad, who slipped it into his pocket. Cade helped me up and I wrapped an arm over his shoulder and an arm wrapped around my waist.
"Kim Victoria Elmwood!! If my ankle is broken, I will break your hand!" I warned and she rolled her eyes.
"That's if you can get around" she joked and I rose an eyebrow.
"Really?" I said and realised Cade's grip from me, limping to Kim. Her eyes widening and she started to run towards the exit. It was locked. She then ran the opposite way and across the hall.
"Get here Kim!!" I yelled and started to run to her. Well, my ankle is now fucked.
I reached her, tackled her to the floor and straddled her waist.
"Now my ankle kills" I winced from the throbbing pain in my ankle.
"What did I say the other week when I said I would kiss you if you wasn't dating Sam? No your in a sexual position..." She trailed off and I huffed. We were next to the others cause Kim didn't get far, so their laugh was close to us.
"Sexual?" I asked and rolled my hips around. She glared at me and I laughed.
"Now, this is getting hot" Sam and blaze said behind us and everyone laughed. I leaned forward and hovered my lips near her ear.
"Payback bitch" I whispered and kneed her in the stomach, causing her to groan in pain.
"Bitch. I hate you" she sighed as we stood up.
"Awe. I love you too princess!" I cooed and kisses her cheek, which caused her to giggled and everyone gave us shocked looks, apart from Macayla.
"What! Everyone is a little gay for their friends!" I defended and kissed Macaylas cheek, causing me, her, and Kim to laugh.
"No...we ain't..." Cade said. Me, Kim and Macayla looked at eachother and shrugged.
"Just us then" we sighed and started to walk out with the others behind us. Cameron then appeared at the door with a shocked expression.
"What just happened?!!" He exclaimed and looked between us three.
"Were gay lovers" Kim said and we all made missy faces at eachother.

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