//back to school//

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Sooo....it's been 2 weeks since that whole incident and I'm doing okay. My mums gone forever for real this time and I'll miss her a lot, but it's her funeral tomorrow. My dad and I have gotten closer and acting if the 5 years part haven't been there.
Anyway, let's get back to the story.
"I'm not sure if I wanna come into school" I whined and crossed my arms over ,y chest with a pout.
"C'mon Ri. You haven't been at school for 2 WEEKS! You've just been practicing and stuff. You need to catch up at school and I'm sure all your friends miss you" my cousin Cameron sighed. I huffed and nodded, running up to my room to change from my baggy top to normal clothes. I picked out ripped black jeans, red converse high tops, a black and white Adidas cropped top and my usual makeup, with my Gucci backpack. I grabbed my phone and walked to my Rover. I only just got it back yesterday and it stinks of alcohol and cigarettes. I pulled out my Lynx deodorant and sprayed all around the car, until it smelled pleasent. I nodded to myself and pulled out of our drive and down the winding road.
Cams right. I haven't been to school in 2 weeks. I haven't seen my friends or Sam in that space of time, and I hardly message them because of my training, which I'm doing because when I turn 18, I'm becoming a member of my brothers gang. But all my friends know why I hardly have any time. With 'Look At Me' playing through my car, I arrived at the parking lot. I saw Macaylas Ferrari in the far corner, Kim's Mercedes and Sam's truck, with Colby's red BMW next to it. I had all of my friends in that class, so I guess it was gonna be a surprise. I was also late...
As I made my way to History, my phone started to blow up. I looked on my notifications and there was a text from my dad.
Daddy-o- : 'train with me tonight? x'
Me: 'Maybe, I'm back at school x'
Daddy-o- : 'okay kiddo. Let me know and I can pick you up and get cam to pick your car up. Have fun! *note the sarcasm* x'
Me: 'kk x'
I slipped my phone into my back pocket and opened the door, to make everyones head snap up and look at me like I had three heads.
"YOUR BACK!!!" Macaylas screamed and stood up along with Kim.
"Be quiet" a woman's strict voice hissed. I looked over to the direction and saw a lady that looked about 30. But I could tell she was a bitch.
"How 'bout no" I smiled smartly and the class chuckled quietly. She glared at me and I flipped her off, walking to my desk next to Kim. As I was walking, I felt to arms wrap around my waist and lift me up.
"Hey baby" I heard a voice whisper in my ear. I turned my head slightly and saw Sam. I smiled and he set me down, hugging me in the middle of the class.
"Your ass really shows up in theses jeans!!" I heard Gareth yell. I rolled my eyes and saw Sam tense. I looked him in the eyes and saw he had a faint bruise on his left eye.
"Who did that?" I asked, fisting my arms around his waist.
"Guess" he chuckled dryly, but I saw his eyes dart quickly to Gareth, and back to my eyes again. I took a deep breath, pecked Sam's lip, handed my bag to Kim and stood I front of Gareth.
"Your boobs are pretty big. Or is it just the angle?" He asked, with a smirk plastered on his face. I chuckled dryly and kicked his chair backwards, but kept a foot on it, so he was  angled partly.
"Look Gareth, like what kind of name is that. Make comments about my body again, I will stab a knife into both eyes and pull them out, feeding them to my cousins German Sheparda. And touch my friends, or my boyfriend, ever again, I will personally kill you. Understand?" I growled and he smirked.
"You bluff Riley. You don't have the guts to kill someone" he chuckled. I scoffed and my friends did, seen as they were there when Terry was shot by me.
"Well see" I smirked and kicked his chair all the way down, causing him to hit the floor and everyone laugh, including the teacher.
I sat down and hell began...

I was now in music with Sam and Colby, and the teacher wanted me to go to a room with him, Sam and Colby, and all of us perform a piece we had practiced. When my dad moved in with us, he got a grand piano and put it in the dining room.
Sam and Colby played pieces on the guitars and when they finished, the teacher looked at me.
"Seen as you've missed a few lessons and haven't been here for 2 weeks" he chuckled, "you will be able to produce a great piece of work. 10x better than your last". I chuckled and turned to the piano, searching my brain for ideas.
"Ooohhh. I got one!!" I gasped and set my fingers on the keys. As well as training, my dad and I have been playing the piano. It was just like old times. He had taught me the whole of 'We're in Heaven' and I thought I would play it. I started to play the keys and started to sing as well. I know that half way through, I had a few tears rolling down my cheeks and I saw the others noticed, but I carried on, despite the pain in my chest. This song reminded me of my mum and it was gonna be played tomorrow. Once I was finished, I took a few deep breaths, wiped away the tears resting on my cheekbones and spun around in my seat to face to the others.
"That was....beautiful" my teaches dazed and walked out.
"You okay?" Colby asked. I nodded, knowing if I talked, my voice would crack. I then shook my head and the traitor tears escaped. They both stood up and engulfed me into a tight ass bear hug, as I cried into Sam's shoulder.
After that 'scene' it was lunch and we all had a food fight, along with Damien who was a part of our group.
Driving home from school, there was one thing that replayed my mind...

Will I able to face tomorrow?

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