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I woke up the next day and Ruby was sat up on my phone.
"Whatcha going Rubes?" I yawned.
"Watching some funny videos" she giggled and I sat next to her. She was on vine and a video popped up.
"That looks like Colby and Sammy" she said and burst into a fit of laughter.
"I think it's is Colby and Sammy" I chuckled and she handed me the phone.
I then got a call from Kim.
"Hey Kimmo"
"Riley! I got a new car!"
"Yeah. Well, it's my brothers but I saw your new one and it's amazing. Me, Macayla and the boys are gonna skip school to come entertain you and Ruby"
"I think Ruby's already entertained. Is Sam and  Colby with you?"
"Give the phone to them"
"Yo Sam! Colby! So I woke up to my sister laughing at something on my phone. I watched with her and a video came across. It was you and Colby"
"Yeah. We do vine and YouTube sometimes"
"Let's just say. Ruby finds you very funny. But I gotta admit. You both are funny"
"Thanks. We're outside now"
"Okay. Bye"
I ended the call and quickly changed into a huge shirt that reached my mid thigh and put on some trainer socks.
They walked in 10 seconds later and laughed at me.
"What? I'm comfortable" I giggled and Ruby wanted my phone again. I passed it to her and 10 seconds later she was giggling.
"Whatcha watching?" Sam asked her, sitting next to her.
"You and Colby. Your really funny" she giggled. I was then dragged outside with Kim by Macayla.
"You've been all sweet and caring since you met Sam and Colby!" Macayla whisper yelled. Kims eyes widened and a smile crept on her face.
"I always have been" I shrugged.
"No. I mean, at school yes your kids but your playfully and bitchy around us. But since we stood up for them 2, you've been been acting caring and sweet when there around" She explained.
"Which one do you like?" Kim asked, looking in the window.
"None..." I trailed off and looked at my socks.
"So you do like one of them! This is why we are your best friends" Macayla cheered.
"Fine! I might maybe, a tinsy winsy, little bit, kinda might like Sam" I squeaked quietly.
It was silent and then I was engulfed in a hug, which caused us to fall. Me on the bottom, those 2 squashing me.
"Oh god! Get off" I whined.
"My baby girl likes someone! After a whole year!!" Kim cheered.
"She's growing up to fast" Macayla chucked. They got up and pulled me up after.
"Can I go in now?" I asked.
"Sure" Kim winked. I rolled my eyes and walked in flipping them off.
"Sorry Ruby. But Macaycay and Kimmo are annoying sometimes" I smiled and laid next to her.
"It's okay. Maxy is worse" she chuckled and handed me my phone.
We all chilled for a while and when Ruby fell asleep, we studied which wasn't something me, Kim and Macayla did.
Max came in at about 11am with Casey and Blaze.
"Hey Riley, Macayla, Kim, Sam, Colby" my brother greeted and looked at Ruby.
"Ruby! We got your room ready!" He cheered and she squealed.
"Room?" I asked, pushing my eyebrows together.
"Yeah. I'm selling the house and you both will be moving in with me at my place. I didn't do your room yet because I dunno how you want it" he explained.
"You sold our house?" I asked, standing up and putting my books on my chair.
"Yeah. You can't stay there anymore" he told me.
"Max! I've lived there for my whole life! All our families memories are in that house and your basically throwing it away" I partly yelled.
"It's for the best" he replied.
"I don't care what you think is best for me. I want to stay there. It's my house. It's our family home and your throwing it away like rubbish" I yelled, and my voice cracked. I jogged to the door, swung it open and closed it. I was only in my socks and the oversized shirt. I raced though the halls and got outside the hospital. I sat against a wall a and curled into a small ball and started to cry softly to myself. I heard some strangers mumble near me and pause next to me.
"Excuse me. Are you okay?" A woman's voice asked me. I looked up and saw a girl who looked about 19 or 20.
"Not really" I muttered.
"What's up?" She asked sitting next to me.
"Well, a few days ago my mum and sister were in a car crash. My mom didn't make it but my sister did. My older brother had now decided to sell our house and I'm pisses off" I spilled out.
"I'm so sorry. What about your father?" She asked.
"He also died in a car crash when I was 13" I told her and saw she was smoking a joint.
"Do you mind if I smoke a little?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded. She handed me the joint and I took a few puffs, and handed it back to her.
"Your brother is probably doing it to keep you all close as a family again. It's only you 3 against the world. He means" she smiled at me.
"Probably. It's just hard for me. I'm the bad girl at school and it's just me and my two best friends. My other 2 best friends back stabbed me for the barbie dolls. I've made a few more friends this weeks. There really good guys" I replied as she finished the joint.
"Guys? Cute ones?" She giggled.
"The brunette, Colby, is a good guy and funny. But weird in a good way. Then there's the blonde. Sam. He's really cute, funny and a good guy as well" I smiled innocently.
"To me, it sounds as if someone's in love" she cooed.
"Yeah. I was in love last year but her broke my heart. Let's just stay with, I like Sam" I chuckled and wrapped my arms around my body.
"Your funny. What's your number cutie?" She smiled and took our her phone.
We exchanged numbers and smiled at eachother.
"I'm Tiarna Knight" she smiled.
"I'm Riley Adams" I replied and shook travelled across her face.
"Your Max's sister. I work for him. I was just trying to find him because there's another deal" she giggled.
"I'll take you up to him" I smiled.
"Here's my jacket. Keep it" she smiled and gave me a black leather jacket.
"Thanks" I smiled and I lead her up to the room.
"He's in there. Don't expect me to talk to him though" I giggled and she smiled. She opened the door and walked in. I followed her in and walked straight to my chair and looked at my phone.
"Max. We have trouble at the warehouse. Another broke deal" Tiarna said to my brother.
"Okay, how'd you find me?" He asked.
"Your sister brought me up. I found her outside curled in a ball crying. We were taking. Don't piss her off Max. She's a great girl and I learnt a lot about her in about 5 minutes. I think me and her are gonna become good friends" she told him. I looked up at her and she was looking at me. I smirked and put my phone on my thigh.
"Cheesy Tiarna. Cheesy" I chuckled. She stuck her tongue out at me and I giggled.
"Well, I know something so shush baby girl" she giggled and winked at me. I shot a playful glare at her and she burst out laughing. Kim and Macayla looked at me with comfusion.
"The thing we were talking about earlier" I told them and they started to giggled at me. I flipped them off.
"Okay. Ruby. I'll sign the papers for your release tonight. See you later kiddo" Max said and looked at me. I moved my vision and he walked out with Blaze and Casey following.
"See you later Ri" Tiarna smiled.
"Bye Tiara" I giggled and she walked out. Kim looked at me and smirked.
"Your pupils" she giggled. I shrugged.
"What did you take?" Macayla chuckled.
"I shared a joint with Tiarna" I giggled and everyone but Ruby laughed.
"Oh dear..." Sam chuckled.

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