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I can't believe this year. It was in May when I met Sam and Colby and we all became friends. May since my mum and sister were in the crash. It was at the start of April me and Sam started dating. The start of April since Dan joined our group. The middle of April when I was kidnapped and found my sister, long lost twin brother and both parents. Middle of April since my mom died for real. About 2 months since I joined the gang, along with Macayla and Kim. But today...today was graduation.
"I'm gonna cry!!" Kim wailed as we were getting ready.
"For the 8th time, shut up Kim" I sighed and tied the laces for my all star converse.
"Come on, we're gonna be late" Macayla chuckled and we headed to the hall, sitting in our seats. I was sat with all my friends. I looked around behind me and I saw, on the back row, was all my other family. Max, Blaze, Casey, my dad, Cade (who didn't bother with school), Cameron and Tiarna.
I looked over at Sam next to me and I saw he looked nervous.
"Hey. Are you okay?" I asked. He jumped at my voice and looked at me.
"What? Oh yeah, just worried about graduating, that's all" he smiled and took my hand in his, looking back at the front. I looked over at the others. Reed was calm. Demming was calm. Kim was calm. Macayla was calm. Dan was calm. But Colby was acting the same as Sam. Worried.
It soon got to the speeches. Some were funny, some were boring and some brought us to tears. Aka, Dans and Colby's. They brought nearly everyone into tears.
Now I was up. I looked out at the crowd and saw my dad looked at me with a smile and Cameron looking at me to say 'destroy it'
"Yeah. I've hated this school since my first day, I have nothing good to say" I started and the whole crowd laughs, "Let's graduate and leave this hell hole bitches!!" I cheered and threw my hat in the air. Everyone copied my action by cheering and throwing theirs in the air. I chuckled and leant towards the mic.
"Also. Principle Button and Miss Elbs. I hate you both and if you wasn't here, the school would be a little bearable" I added and everyone laughed again. I walked off stage and stood backstage with Dan.
"Destroyer!!!" He cheered and I laughed.

////Time Skip to nighttime///

I was now being made to wear a dress. Yes, you read that right. A dress. My family, were  throwing a party here to celebrate graduation. It was my family, Kim's, Macaylas, Sam's, Colby's, Reed's, Demming's and Dan's. The dress was mid thigh length and black.
"AND WE DANCE ALL NIGHT! TO THE BEST SONG EVER!!" Cameron sang through a mic on a stage. I was currently stood with Reed and Demming. Colby was with my dad, Kim was making out with blaze, Casey was making out with Macayla, Dan was with my cousin singing, and Sam was with his family.
"I'm gonna miss y'all" Reed sighed.
"Same. You guys are family to me" I pouted and they hugged me.
"Riley?" A voice said behind me. I released released the hug and turned to see Sam and his family stood behind him.
"Hey Sammy" I smiled and kisses his cheek.
"Mom, dad, Ben, Allison, this is my girlfriend Riley. Riley, my family" Sam introduced and we all smiled. By his moms way of looking at me, she didn't like me.
"It's nice to meet you" his dad smiled and brought me into a lung curb sung hug.
"Damn. I though Dan gave bear hugs" I panted when he released me and and they laughed.
"I'm Ben. And you are hot, like Sam said you were" Ben said as he shook my hand.
"Ben.." Allison sighed.
"That's my girlfriend" Sam chucked.
"Your the one who said it to us" Ben defended and I laughed.
"Nice to meet you" Allison said as she gave me a hug, "you too"
I looked at his mom and she was smiling at me.
"It's nice to meet you finally Riley" she said and it sounded as if she was telling the truth.
"You too Mrs Golbach" I replied and she chuckled.
"Please. Call me Marie" she smiled. (I DONT KNOW HER NAME!! ITS MADE UP!!)
"You are a funny kid" his dad laughed and ruffled my hair.
"Well, I did get told I should be a comedian" I giggled and flipped my hair dramatically.
"Your so funny" Sam said with a joking roll of his eyes.
"I know I am babe" I smiled and kissed his jaw. His family soon spoke to my dad and Sam looked worried again. Colby came and he had the same look.
"Sam. Colby. What's up?" I asked.
"Nothing" they replied.
"You look like you've been told unicorns aren't real" I stated and they made a smile, that soon dropped.
"Come outside and we will tell you" Colby said and they both turned to the door.
Reed and Demming knew about whatever it was, because as soon as I looked at them, they turned away. I sighed and followed them out.
"What's up? I'm worried" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"As you know, me and Colby do vine and YouTube. We are getting pretty big and well...we're moving to LA in 2 weeks" Sam explained and I nodded, trying to hide my disappointment.
"Oh..." I trailed off and looked at the ground.
"And we were wondering if you wanna come with?" Colby asked with a smile. My face lit up, then I realised something.
"I can't. The gang" I sighed and they pouted.
"We can still be together though" Sam smiled and I nodded, hugging them both.
"We can Skype every night" Colby said and I nodded.
"I'll miss you both" I stated and they sighed.
"We will miss you too" they said.

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