Chapter 29

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Ceius POV

I pace the throne room, my royal robes furled out behind me with the quick movement. Never have I been so shaken by the thought of war in my life. My eyes wander to Drake's most recent letter. The parchment envelope sits ripped open on the throne, the contents strewn on the floor. I stride over and scoop up the paper riddled with his written threats and violent promises. I riffle through them once more before holding them over a candle and watching the words melt into ashes. 


A soft voice I have grown to love reaches my ears and I turn. Sophia stands on the floor, her eyes filled with worry. I approach her and allow her to climb onto my palm so that I can lift her up to my eye level. 

"Yes darling?"

"Why didn't you tell me about Drake?"

I groan inwardly. I knew she was going to find out eventually but I had been holding on to the foolish hope that it wouldn't be sooner than later. I scan her face, trying to get a hint at her mood with finding out this information. Nothing to hint at a decode-able mood.

"I didn't want to worry you." I say flatly not wanting to go into any more detail.

She reads the hinting in my tone and doesn't push for further information but, I can tell she wants to know. I sigh and slowly move over to my throne and sit, moving her delicate form to my lap.

"Its my fault isn't it." I hear her say sadly.

She bows her head, her eyes averted. My heart breaks at the fact that she believes its her fault.

Sophia POV

I sniffle and tears begin to prick at the corners of my eyes. It seems as if I am more trouble than I am worth. Look what I've causes. I've broken my parents hearts, I almost killed Clay, and here I am, causing entire kingdoms to go to war. I feel a tear slide down my cheek and a soft sob escapes my throat.

"Hey, its not your fault Sophia."

" not l...lie to me." I struggle to get the words out as I cry. My whole situation coming to memory and urging on the tears.

"Why would I lie to you? I swear, this is not your fault."

I feel Ceius stroke my back softly as he slowly coaxes me into a calm.

"Then, w..why now?" I look up into his honey eyes and see the compassion that fills them.

Warmth blooms in my chest. Such a familiar feeling that has been gone for so long. I hiccup wipe  away the tears.

"Im afraid that... well... its not time for you to know yet but, I promise that it is not because of you."

I sniffle in response. That has been his answer to several of my questions lately and I hate it. I get that I am  smaller and weaker than him but I can handle whatever he has to tell me. But, then again, I just started crying over something that he says isn't even my fault. So, maybe it is for the best that he doesn't tell me what is going on.

"A...all right." I sigh leaning against his stomach.

Clay POV

What? A giant scout? I watch the scout through my spy glass. Drakes royal symbol can be seen engraved on the armor and confusion grasps me. What is he doing this far beyond the border in King Ceius's territory. Something is up. I stuff the spyglass into my saddle bag and mount my horse. 

"Ya!" I say sharply, bringing the reigns down with a snap.

The forest flies past, the colors a mess of fiery reds, earthy browns, and golden yellows. The scent of fall is in the air and the hint of something I thought was gone. The hint of war. 

My steed lopes forward, a black streak in the forest. Soon, the old cobblestone road comes into view and, in the distance, the Crag mountains stand stark against the darkening sky. I have a long ride home.

"My King!" I shout, bursting into the throne room.

The King stands, along with the other lords gathered round the great table.

"Pray, what is it that makes you disturb our meal Lord Dering?" He says sternly.

"One of Prince Drake's scouts was spotted in King Ceius's territory. 

The kings tired eyes grow wide and his posture straitens. "Are you certain."

"If I was not, do you really think I would come all this way to tell you?" 

"I could do without the attitude Clay. Leum!"

"A servant races into the room and stands at attention before the King.

"Yes my King?"

"Send for the Royal Scribe and messenger and command them to come to my quarters immediately."

"Yes my King."

The servant leaves as quickly he came. I turn my attention back to the king and await further command.

"Lord Dering, prepare a convoy ."

"Yes my King." I salute and leave, my cloak furling out behind me.

Drake POV

I gaze out at my training men. Sparks fly through the air as sword blades and shields collide.  Rikard stands at the front shouting out commands and tips. A knight falls towards the back and is quickly scolded by Rikard. I grin and step up beside him. 

"How do they look Rikard?" I laugh and clap him on the back.

He gives me a glare and folds his arms. "They are out of practice."

"Well, if anyone can change that, it is you." I say in full confidence.

I turn my attention back to the soldiers. Rikard is right, they are out of practice. They make many mistakes that, though they wouldn't be lethal when fighting humans, will be when facing other giants.

"King Ceius's army is strong and well trained, I fear that we may be outmatched."

"Don't you say that Rikard! We are just as strong though out of practice. Give them two weeks time and they will be ready." I growl.

"I fear we don't have that time."

"Pray, what do you mean."

"We have received news that Ceius is preparing to march his army."


"Yes my Prince."

"And why haven't I been told." Anger swells inside my chest.

"I thought you knew."

I laugh knowing he very well knew that I didn't. Even though I would like to punish him, I need him now more then ever if our army is to be prepared for this war. And a war it will be.

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