Chapter Fifty

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"I'm kind of hungry.." Adaline said, as looked over to Noah as they drove along back towards home.

"Hmm, someone's craving brownies" Adaline said as she peered down at her stomach holding her hand onto the top as she felt a kick.

"Omph, yep someone really wants some brownies" she repeated as she let out a small laugh.

Noah chuckled too.

"Well, maybe we can stop off at that restaurant you like for some dinner once we are back home" Noah states.

"I swear this journey gets longer and longer" Adaline groans as she moves in her chair with discomfort.

"I know, it's probably just because you're pregnant but don't worry, we'll be home in no time" Noah adds on.


A while later, still on the road, Adaline suddenly began to feel some sharp pains.

She rubs her stomach in discomfort "Urgh, Lily that was quite the kick" she said as they continued driving back home.

A moment later the pains then began to get more violent, the pain hit Adaline sharp again and she jolts in her seat.

Noah turns to her worried, wondering whether something might be wrong.

"Adaline? What's happened is there something wrong?" Noah asks.

"No, no I'm fine it's just a hard kick that's all" Adaline tries to reassure Noah as well as herself.

But suddenly another sharp stab hits Adaline and she comes over with pain again.

"Urgh, ow uh not too hard now" she says awkwardly laughing before starting to panic a little more.

Then she started to feel agonizing pain and she groaned out.

"Urgh, oh god no something's not right" Adaline gasped, clutching her stomach alarming Noah.

"Adaline, is it the baby? What's wrong?" Noah states as he briefly turns beginning to panic too.

"arrghhh" Adaline groans before the pain stops.

Noah turns back wondering what's happening before Adaline let's out a small laugh.

"What, was is it?" Noah says still worried about what went on.

"It's nothing, just a rough wave that's all. I'm okay now, I'm okay" Adaline says through deep breaths as she manages to compose herself again.

" scared me there" Noah says as he let's out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I scared me too" Adaline added on.


They drive a little longer, still overwhelmed by the little moment earlier wondering whether she was going into labor or not but luckily it was just a false alarm.

They drive along the windy country toad, deserted out into the middle of nowhere and question why they decided to come down to visit on such late pregnancy notice for Adaline.

The long drive and distance was both tiring and scary as she could burst whenever, even though her due date was next week there was still the chance.

"Woah..woah what" Noah shouts as he puts his hand up in the air and slows down.

"What, what is it?" Adaline asks as she turns ahead to see what Noah is fussing about.

Further ahead the road was blocked off by a huge tree which had fallen from a storm or something.

They were stuck, the way home was blocked off and they would have to turn back round and drive hours longer to get to the nearest town or any type of civilization.

"Well, great" Noah snaps as he turns back to view Adaline and bites his lip wondering what to do next.

Adaline sits and gives Noah a small smile.

"I'm sorry, but I think we are going to be driving a little longer than expected" Noah admits sighing thinking back to the discomfort Adaline had been feeling from the already long enough car journey.

"It's okay, you just better promise me we sure as hell will get those brownies once we are home because-" Adaline goes to say but is flushed over by another wave of pain.

She groans as she clutches her stomach.

Noah stared at her unsure of whether it is just another wave or something worse. He sits across waiting to see whether the pain goes or not.

Unfortunately Adaline's face did not change and the pain still fell across it as she clutched at her stomach groaning some more.

"Adaline, Adaline What- what is it? Is it?" Noah asks as he shuffles around in his seat unsure of what to do.

"Yes..yes ARGH yes I think it is" Adaline manages to say through gritted teeth as she breathes deeply.

"Oh god alright, alright well we- we can try and drive to the nearest hospital there's, there's bound to be one somewhere near here" Noah mumbles as he turns the keys and tries to reverse back but Adaline stops him.

"No" she snaps

"No..I- I can't go that far, I can't" Adaline groans out as she shoots back in her seat.

"Alright, alright well we gotta, we gotta stay here we gotta get you out" Noah says as he unbuckles his seat.

Adaline grips her hand around his wrist and stops him from getting out and he turns to face her alarmed face.

"I need to go to the hospital Noah, I have to. I can't do this alone, I need ARGHHH I need help" Adaline says panicked.

"I can't, there's nowhere close we won't get there in time, we need to get you ready now" Noah stated as he goes out of the car and around to help Adaline out.

Adaline begins to cry in pain and panic that she is going to have to give birth alone outside with no medical help.

This was her first child and both her and Noah had no idea what they were doing, apart from a few videos and classes they were not very experienced.

"Noah..I can't, I can't do this by myself I can't" Adaline cries as she turns cupping his hand and he rubs at it feeling the emotions take over seeing Adaline this way.

She was in true pain and there was nothing he could do, he couldn't stop it but instead all he could do was try to make her as comfortable as possible.

"ARGHHH" Adaline groans in agony.


Other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling

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