Chapter 2

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After about fifteen minutes of screaming, crying, jumping, and having near mental break downs we calm down.

"Jess I'm going to die" I say grabbing a water bottle and taking a sip.

"We need to stay calm tonight. If we let them see our fangirl side they will not want to be our friend." Jessica says sighing.

"They're so much hotter in person though" I say a smile apearing on my face.

"I know. Did you see Lukes lip ring? God its just ugh" Jess says sighing.

"And Michaels hair? And Ashton giggled. I can't" I add on

"And Calums eyebrows are even more impressive in person" Jessica says.

"I'm sobbing I can't even" I say even though I had a giant smile on my face.

"Okay we need to get ready. Right now" Jess says looking at the clock, it was already five.

"Oh shit" I say chuckling. We make a quick note to Shaun, our baker assistant, and leave it out front because he was grumpy and scared us.

"Home bound" I shout getting us a few odd looks. We walk the ten minute walk to our apartment. It was on the sixth floor of the building and was quite large. We only had one pet, my kitty Shiloh raidrop snowtiger chubs carpenter (named by a todler me btw). As we walk into the apartment we go our seerate ways to get ready. I walk into my room and quickly grab some black shorts, a white tankttop and a pink flower crown. After I'm dressed I touch up my makeup and skip to Jess's room. I chuckle as I see her  aplying makeup.

"Don't need makeup to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough" I tell her in a soft voice. She rolls her eyes and continues to put makeup on.

"Are you coming?" I ask making a click noise "Or nah?"

"I'm almost done calm down." She says fake glaring at me.

"I'm going to die if you don't hury up" I say sighing loudly.

"Well it was nice knowing you" she conters. I roll my eye and go to feed my cat because Jess is a butt head.


I bite my lip nervously as I wait for Jessica and Abby to show up.

"What if they don't come?" Ashton asks.

"They'll come" Calum says patting his back.

"Oi I see em" Mike says pointing at two figures walking towards us. Jess looked beautiful in a pair of green shorts and a black shirt that said 'Thug life'.

"Hey" I say walking over and hugging jessica. I could tell I caught her by suprise as she jumped a little. She fit in my arms perfectly.

"I want a hug too" Calum says hugging Abby. She chuckles and hugs him back. I could tell Mickey was getting jellous.

"Lets go guys!" Ash says leading us towards the car. Let the party begin.


Short and poop


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