Chapter 17

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"Come upstairs" I comand Ashon via a telephone.

"God I'm coming. All this for pizza" He groans. I chuckle and hang up. We were actually throwing them all a suprise party before they left. It wasn't higly populated. Just us, Paul, and the bakery staff, they didn't have many friends in L.A. but we had pizza cupcakes, we actually made them taiste good, a photo booth, and Abbys cat was dressed like Ed Sheeran.

"We're here!" Lukes voice choruses as the door opens. It was pitch black and they looked confused.

"SUPRISE!" We all shout turning the lights on.

"Shit" Luke mumbles a giant smile on his face.

"Suprise Lukey!" I say hugging him.

"Jess this is perfect oh my god" He says hugging me tighter.

"Thank you" I say grabbing his hand. Abby and Mikey were already in the photo booh and Calum and Ashton were, well being Calum and Ashton. "We have cupcakes and music and-" he cuts me off by kissing me softly.

"This is perfect" he wispers.

"I'm going to miss you a ton" I say as we walk towards the cupcake table.

"I'm going to miss you more" he says.

"Hey" Paul says walking over to us.

"Hey Paul" Luke says smiling fakily at Paul, he hated Paul, I'm not sure why.

"Hey what's up?" I ask elbowing Luke lightly

"Nothing much. This partys amazing. Shame youre leaving Luke. Gonna miss you" Paul says smiling.

"Oh I'm sure I'll miss you too" Luke says.

"Luke can you go stop Ashton from drinking that redbull?" I ask pointing a random place.

"Shit" Luke said storming off. There was no redbull, Lukey was just being grumpy.

"You worried?" Paul asked as I watch Luke walk away.

"Of what?"

"You know him cheating. With a model or somthing." He says casually. The idea of that had never actually popped in my head. Oh my god. What if he cheats on me?

"Jessica dosent need to worry. Actually the only person who needs to worry is the one putting that idea in my girlfriends head" An arm wraps around my waiste and I can tell it was Luke.

"I'm just saying. You don't exactly look like the honest type" Paul says with a smirk.

"Excuse me-"

"Paul go." I say cutting of Luke.

"Bye babe" Paul says chuckling and walking away.

"I hate him" Luke says roughly.

"I'm sorry. He's not normally like that" I say sighing.

"Jess I wont ever cheat on you. I love you." he says pulling me into his cheast.

"I love you too"



"These are cute" I say examing the picturrs from the photo booth.

"Not as cute as you" he says poking my nose.

"I'm in them dickweed" I say laughing. He roles his eyes and sticks his sheet in his pocket.

"I'm going to miss you so much. I wish you could just come with us" he says sadly.

"You know we can't. We have the bakery. And youtube." he sighs and kisses my forhead.

"I know" he says sighing.

"Lets make a promise" I say smiling.

"Of what?

"When we are away from each other we will never be all the way apart. We'll call and text and tweet. I love you so much and I can't take another hard break up" I confess.

"I will never ever hurt you. I love you to much.

"Promise?" I ask holding my pinky. He smiles and wraps his pinky around mine.




Short and poop


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