Chapter 14

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Bzzzz. Bzzzzz. I let out a loud groan as I reach around for my phone my face still burried in my pillow. Who dares awaken the beast? Grrr I'm intimadating.

"Hello?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"Abby its Jess" I roll my eyes. Why was Jessica calling me from her room? And at this time in the morning? It was nearing noon but still, the princible should remain intact.

"What do you want?" I ask, well more like growl. But really who cares?

"I'm at dunkin dounughts so maybe a nice happy and gratfull thank you" she says matter of factly. Any other day I probably would have hung up and gone back to sleep, its really to early to deal with her sassiness, but I needed my caffine.

"Cookie dough ice coffee pleaseeee. And pink sprinkly doughnuts my amazing beautiful thoughtfull friend" I say smiling. Although I can't see her I'm pretty sure she's rolling her eyes.

"Okay see you in a few"

"Wait why are you there at noon?" I ask chuckling. Not that I don't apreciate the thought process its just that Jess normaly wakes up earlier than noon.

"I had a date with Luke" She says. I could hear the goofy smile in her voice. "He's so cute god I can't"

"Is it weird that I've been dating Michael for over a month and we haven't even gone on a date?"

"A little. Has he asked?"

"No. What if he dosent want to take me on a date" I say frowning.

"I'm sure he does. Just ask" She says. "I have to go its my turn in line"

"But-" I got cut off by the annoying beeps signaling she hung up. That hoe bag. I sit up in my bed and decide to call Calum.

"Fuck this shit Clifford you cheated!" I hear him shout causing me to chuckle. "Hey Abby what's up?" I hear Michael faintly ask why I was calling him but I'm pretty sure he ignored it. I explain to Calum my situation and he lets out a sigh.

"Just ask him on a date. You are together it shouldn't be a problem" 

"I can't just ask him out. What if he says no" I protest.

"Just do it" he says.


"If you wont take my advice I will hang up on you"

"Calum if you hang up on me I swear to god-"

"Bye" he says hanging up. I groan and flop back on my bed. Bzzzz. God I'm talking on the phone more today then I have all year.


"Hey love. Why'd you call Calum?" He asks. I bite my lip nervosly.

"Why havent you taken me on a date?" I blurt. My cheeks heat up as I realize how blunt I was being.  "You don't have to answer that"

"We haven't been on a date. Wow. I didn't even realize. Fuck I'm sorry" He says.

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up" I say still blushing.

"Lets go on a date" he says suddenly.

"When?" I ask smiling like a butt head.

"Now. I'll be at your house in an hour" he says.

"Mikey" I whine.

"No no no. You wanted a date and this will ne the best date ever." he says.

"Okay" I say smiling.



"God dammint Abigail this is not the fault in our stars goodbye" He huffs.

"Okay" I say again giggling.

"Goodbye" I chuckle setting my phone down.  Not only have I talked on the phone a bunch today, I got hungup on a bunch today.



"I can't believe that he actually ate that" I say laughing. I was on the way home with Abbys food after my date with Luke and we just saw a random guy eat a peice of ham off the side walk.

"God that's nasty" he says waving our joined hands back and forth.

"God I do not ship them at all. She's so ugly" I look behind us and see to teen girls staring at us intensly.


"Luke don't" I say cutting him off.

"No they can't just talk about my girlfriend like that" I sigh as Luke walks over to those girls.

"I'm with Jessica. I love her. She's beautiful and amazing and I'm happy. So leave us alone" He says to the girls before walking back.

"Ignore them. They're just jellous." Luke assures me.

"But you love me?" I ask smirking slightly.

"Yeah" he says rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. I couldn't help but feel overly happy. He loved me.

"I love you too" I say smiling. A big smile lights up his face and he leans down conecting our lips. I could not be happier right now.

"Got any ham?" I look over and see the same random guy from earlier.

"No" I say chuckling. He walks away and me and Luke bend over laughing.

"Lets get home"


Woah Mabby date next chapter.

Also two updates in two dayssss? I'm the bae omg.

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