Chapter 4

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"So now you just upload it" I say to Michael. I was showing him how we made our videos.

"HIIIIIYYYAAAAAHHHHH" A loud scream causes us both to jump at look over just in time for us to see Luke slam a cupcake into Jessicas face.

"Oh shit" Mike says chuckling.

"You jerk" Jess says grabbing a cupcake and throwing it at Luke.

"Follow me if you value the cleaness of your clothes" Michael says grabbing my hand and dragging me down a hallway. We enter a room which I'm assuming was his. It had band posters all over, a pizza box in the corner, and a pile of clothes in the center.

"Sorry its kind of a mess" he says chuckling

"No that's okay" I say "Its not to bad"

"So are you having fun minus the whole we almost died thing?" Michael asks smiling.

"I am" I say smiling. A large crash followed by a loud shreik inteeuprs what Michael was going to say.

"So uh do you and Calum?" He asks biting his lips.

"What about me and Calum?" I ask confused by his question.

"You uh like him" He states.

"No. Well I don't not like him." I say chuckling. 'Becuase I have an irrational crush on you' I add in my head.

"Oh" he says. "So whats your favorite food?"

"Uhm prob-"

"Ohhh Abbbbyyy Michaeellll" A voice calls interupting my answer.

"Oh shit" I wisper grabbing Michaels hand "Sorry i-"

"Its fine" he says linking our fingers. I couldn't help the dumb smile that came to my face as he slowly walked to the door. He sneaks his head out and I hear him chuckle.

"Its a mess. But I don't see-"

"WE FOUND THEM CODE AWESOME" Ashton shouts. Running towards us covered in cupcakes. We slowly leave the room wondering what was going on.

"Hello darlings" Calum says akwardly also coverded in cupcakes.

"What's going on-?"

"ATTACK" Suddenly Luke and Jessica run out and peg us both with a rather large amount of cupcakes. Oh damn.


After three hours of cleaning the apartment was finaly back to being clean. We had all showered and now me and Jess were wearing some of the boys clothes. I had on Michaels shirt and sweats which I couldn't help but enjoy a lot. Sorry not sorry.

"I'm really tiered" Jess says leaning Lukes sholder.

"Me too" I say yawning. Michael chuckles and pokes my nose

"You're so adorable" he wispers.

"Nu-uh" I say sticking my tounge at him

"Uh huh" This went on for about five minutes before Jessica threatned to stab us because we were "As annoying as a waffle who was pooping" I'm assuming she's tired because her threats are normally better. .

"We should probably get home." I say yawning again.

"Yeah. We'll drive you" Ashton says.

"No we can walk. We know this city like the back of our haaands" Jess says.

"Are you sure?" Calun asks.

"Yep "

"Well call me when you get home" Michael says.

"Okay byee" Luke sings to Jessica pulling her in for a hug. I hug all of the boys going to Michael last.

"Goodnight" I wisper into his cheast. He leans down and kisses the top of my head.

"Good night love" he wispers.

"Okay Abby hurry your butt" Jess says. I roll my eyes. Did she not realize I was hugging my favorite persone eveerr?

"Bye guys" We says as we walk to the door.

"Don't forget to call us" Luke says quickly as we leave. We enter the building quickly and once we were around the corner we had a quick wispered fangirl session.

"That was the best night ever" I say smiling widley.

"I know! I am wearing Lukes clothes" she says smiling.

"I'm wearing Michaels." I say

"Whose Luke?"

"And whose Michael?" Two voices ask from in front of us. We look up and see our exes. Sam and Ron.

"None of your fucking buisness" Jessica says harshly. Lets just leave it at we broke up on bad terms.

"Woah calm down babe" Sam says chuckling.

"Actually we wont calm down. So bye" I say pushing through them.

"Wait" Ron says grabbing my arm roughly.

"Ow" I say trying to get my arm away from him unsuccsesfully.

"Ron let go of her arm or I will punch you so hard your teeth turn to fucking moon dust" There's the threats I love. Ron rolls his eyes but lets go.

"We're gonna get you back" Sam says before walking away.

"Holy shit iron man grip. " I say shaking my arm and wiping a tear from my arms.

"You okay?" Jess asks.

"Yeah lets just get home." We finish the way home and feed my cat, update twitter and instagram accidentaly causing the whole world to blow up because they thought we were wearing the boys shirts in our selfie, then call the boys who we decided not to tell about our douchy exes.

"Goodnight" I say to Jess giving her a quick hug.

"Goodnight" Jess says. I walk into my room and don't bother even changing I just flop on my bed grab my pillow pet and fall asleep.


There ya go Jess. Calm down now. Lawlss.

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