Chapter 15

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I groan as I sit in a pile of clothes at the end of my bed. I had no clue what to wear. I decide to play it casual and grab a pair of light blue ripped skinnies and a black tee that said 'Hella rad' inside a heart. I didn't really feel the motavation nessasary to do my hair so I pull it up in a loose topnot. For makeup I do natural with maroon lipstain. I finish of my look with black combat boots and a flanel shirt tied around my waiste. 

"Honey I'm home" Jessica calls in a weird male voice.

"Food." I say running out of my room and grabbing my coffee and doughnut from Jess. I still had like half an hour so I had time to eat.

"Why do you look all fancy?" Jess asks.

"Because I'm soo fancyy. You already know" I sing causing her to roll her eyes. "Fine sassy pants. Me and Mikey have a date"

"Well you look nice" Jess says smiling.

"Thanks" I say my mouth full of doughnut. She rolls her eyes and grabs a flip cam and starts making a vlog complaning about some weird ham guy. I decide to be a jerk and tiptoe behind Jess and scare her.

"Don't even" she says as I'm about to pounce. I roll my eyes and sit next to her joining the vlog.

"Sup?" I say smiling and waving.

"This hoe has a date" Jess says matter of factly.

"Shut up" I say laughing

"She's going to forget all about me" Jess says fake crying.

"I could never forget you" I say hugging her and fake sobbing in her shoulder. After a minute of fake crying the doorbell interupts us.

"That's Mikey. Bye guuuys" I say before skipping to the door.

"Those ripped skinny jeans better not end up lying on the floor" Jess says laughing at her own joke. I roll my eyes and give her the not so friendly finger.

"Hey" I say as I see Michael.

"Hey. You look beautuful" He says giving me a hug.

"You don't look to bad yourself" I say smiling. "So where are we going?"

"Six Flags" Michael says linking his fingers with mine.

"Yay" I say jumping with excitment. He smiles and leads us to the elevator. After a ten minute walk we arive in front of the park.

"Gahh I'm so excited!" I say jumping up and down. Michael chuckles and kisses my forehead. After we go through the secutity we sat by he main entrence.

"Where to?" Michael asks.

"A rollercoaster" I say smiling.

"I agree." Because the fact it was a Tuesday there were hardly any lines. We decided on the tallest one in the park the Grizzly Bear. I squeeze my hand as we wait in line. We were almost there.

"You nervous?" Michael asks leaning on the rail.

"Nope" I lie.

"I call bullshit" I bite my lip and he smiles kissing me.

"Don't put your nervousness on me" I say smiling.

"Whatever you say babe" I smile and the gates open letting us move to the front row of the train thingy.

"Ugh I'm so short" I complain trying to jump into the seat.

"Aw your cute" Michael says as I jump again. I stick my tounge out at him and jump one more time finaly getting in the seat.

"Ready?" Michael asks grabbing my hand.

"Ready" I reply squezing his hand. The ride suddenly starts and me and Michael both let out a slur of profanities.

"Holy fucking ball sacks" I scream as the ride takes us upside down.

"Shit shit shit shit" Michael shouts. The ride eventually stops and we both get off. I hug Michael and smile into his chest.

"I almost died" I say. He chuckles and kisses my head.




"You're going down" I shout to Michael speeding by his car. We were playing Mario Cart in the arcaed and Michael was beating my ass.

"You wish babe" he says shooting me with a shell.

"God fucking damnit" I say droping the controler. He laughs and kisses me.

"You can't win everything" he says smiling

"Shut up" I reply frowning.

"Such a sore loser" he says hugging me.

"Youre going to be sore when I punch you in the balls"

"Kinky" he says laughing. I roll my eyes fighting a smile.

"I demand a rematch"



"I won! I won! Oh yeah! I'm a winner!" Abby shouts running around like a five year old. I laugh and lean on the machine. After beating her ten times I played it easy on her and threw the game

"Loseerrrrr" Abby says pointing at me. I smile at how cute she is.

"I love you" I say smiling brightly at her

"I love you too" she says grabbing my hand. "Even though your a loser" I chuckle leaning down to kiss her. I loved her. Even though she was competitive, loud, and giggly. I loved her.


Daw gave me some feelsss.

Double update day hollaaaaaa

Btw this is some foreshadowing or whatever but shits going down chapter 20

Twat is a fun word. I like it a lot.

twats my new nicname for you

Bye my little twats

(laffin so hard rn omg)

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