Chapter 30

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Its been a little over a week since everything happended. Nothing was the same. I missed Abby like crazy. It was almost like I could still hear her voice...

Oh wait I could.

Because she litteraly never stopped whining. She apparently had the worst luck ever because the bullet hit her apendix, which then burst and she had to go into emergency surgery.

"I want to go hooome" Abby says sadly leaning on my shoulder

"You can't babe. Not for another week" I say wraping an arm around her shoulder. We were still in a completly painfull and akward friendship. "Hey Abby?"

"Huh?" she asks her mouth full of ice.

"I ment what I said. The day of the shooting. I love you" I say akwardly. I had wanted to say this for a while now.

"Michael" Abby says softly "Stop"

"No. Abby I wont. I love you and I miss you."

"Why? Michael you can do so much better than me." She says bitting her lip.

"Abby I can't. You're perfect." I say grabbing her face gently and forcing her to look at me. I couldn't understand how she couldn't see how amazing she is.

"Then why did you sleep with her?" she asks barley above a whisper.


"God, Michael if I'm so perfect and amazing why would you sleep with her?" She asks on the verge of tears.

"Abby it was a dumb mistake. Im so sorry. I'll spend forever trying to make it up to you. " I promise wiping the tear that fell.

"Promise?" she asks holding her pinky out. I let out a soft chuckle and wrap my larger pinky around hers.


"I love you too" she says. Those words gave me life.

"Abby, Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask hopfully.

"Michael will you smuggle me in some Mcdonnalds?" She replies smiling.

"Yeah of corse" I say happily.

"Well then I guess" she says sarcasticly. I smile and move my face closer to hers.

"Can I?" I ask our lips barley an inch apart.

"Y-y-yeah" she stutters. I smile and conect our lips filling me with the familiar spark I had missed.

"Awe there's the pda we missed!" I laugh and look up as Luke, Jessica, Calum, and Ashton wander in the room.

"Suck my dick Hemmings" I say sarcasticly.

"You wish Clifford" I let out a loud chuckle. Everything was back to normal.


Last actuall chapter! omg crying

cheesy af epiloige next

srry for the wait I blame public school

ily all

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