Chapter 12

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"I'm really sorry but I've told you ten times. We do not have a pizza cupcake sir and we do not deliver to Canada" I say sighing. I had been on the phone with this guy for a half hour. He's freaking out saying that he recived Carpennaro cupcakes at his home in Canada, which he off corse didn't order, and they were spoiled.

"I want to talk to the owner" he presses in an accent that sounds like hes part moose.

"I am the owner"

"Let me talk to the other owner" he presses.

"Listen ass wipe the other owner is taking care of the shop because I have to deal with your moronic call" I groan. The line goes silent before a high pitched giggle breaks the quiet.

"Ashton" I growl smiling slightly.

"I'm sorry." he says dying of laughter.

"You have to admit it was funny" Callums voice says.

"I thought you guys were rehersing today?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"We're hiding from Michael and Luke. They're part nazi" Calun tells me.

"If you come over after we will make you a pizza cupcake. But you have to practice" I say knowing that even though they were amazing practice couldnt hurt.

"Fiine" they groan before hanging up. I smile and jog out of the office to help Abby who was managing the bakery and the check out. 

"It was Ashton and Calum. They pranked us" I tell her causing her to groan.

"Those asses" She says taking a batch of strawberry from the oven.

"Lets ice these then call it quits for today" I say looking at the clock. Its eight.

"Yeah" Abby says wiping the back of her hand across her forehead causing choclate to spread all over her forehead. I laugh and poke Abbys forehead eating the icing off my finger.

"Go to the bathroom I'll finish these." I say laughing harder. She sticks her tounge out at me and walks away. I ice all the cupcakes and place a small moustace on all of them. Abby comes out a few minutes later her face clean and dressed in jeans and a tanktop.

"We have to stop at the store" I say taking off my apron.

"Why?" Abby asks sighing.

"I told Ash and Cal pizza cupcakes"

"You clean up. I'll go. Tell the boys to meet us at our place" Abby says grabbing her bag and leaving the store. That hoe stuck me with cleaning.


I sigh holding the grocery bags and standing by the door. It was pouring. Great.

"Hey" I look behind me and see Paul walking towards me.

"Hey Paul. Fancy seeing you here" I say chuckling.

"Need a ride?" He asks.

"Yeah that would be nice"



"Where's Abby?" I ask walking past Jess.

"She's grabbing the stuff for Ashton and Calums cupcakes" she says leaning into Luke.

"Its raining" I say sighing. I didn't like her being in the rain. Or away from me. Ever since last week with the whole Ron thing I've been randomly nervous.

"Don't worry Mikey. Its just water" Calum says poking me. I stick my tounge out at him and turned to the tv. I hear the door open and look over and see Abby and Paul walking in the apartment.

"Thanks Paul" she says smiling. Her hair was damp and she was shivering.

"No problem love. I'll see you later" she gives him a hug and he nods to us before leaving.

"I ran into Paul at the store and he gave me a ride" Abby explains pulling on a sweater and sitting next to me.

"Hey" She says kissing my cheek.

"Hey" I say smiling and pecking her lips. I smile at her and wrap an arm around her waiste.

"Ready to make the cupcakes?" Ashton asks jumping up and down in his seat. Abby snuggles into my chest and lets out a groan.

"I'll start them. Go get changed before you freeze" Jess directs Abby.

"Be right back" Abby says kissing me softly. I smile as she walks towards her room.

"Someone looks awfully proud of themselfs" Calum say poking me in the stomach. Jessica had went to the kitchen so it was just me and the boys.

"Shut up" I say running a hand through my hair. I hear Abbys door open and she walks out dressed in a pair of black leggings and a carpenarro cupcake shirt. I couldnt stop my eyes from following her as she went to the kitchen.

"We got lucky" I tell Luke chuckling.

"Yeah we did" He says smiling.

"I'm done being single" Ashton says whining.

"Yeah. Lets go find a girlfriend!" Calum says standing up.

"Mate its late. And raining" Luke says smiling.

"Yolo" Ashton shouts running out of the door Calum behind him.

"What about the cupcakes?" I call out to them.

"Save us some" Ashton shouts back.

"Why am I in this band?" Luke asks running a hand through his hair.

"Shut up Hemmings you know you love us" I say punching his arm.

"Barley Clifford" he replies chuckling.

"Hey cupcakes are ready" Abby says brining a plate out and sits next to me.

"Where's Ash and Callum go?" Jessica asks walking out and sitting next to Luke.

"To get a girlfriend" Luke says chuckling and grabbing a cupcake.  Luke sniffs it and takes a bite. His face scrunches up and he stands up spitting it out.

"That was uh. Yeah" Luke says wippng his tounge.

"Sorry we havent tried them yet" Jess explains holding back a giggle. Her and Abby try a small peice.

"Ew ew ew" Abby says

"God gross! Pizza cupcakes do not work" Jessica says sighing.

"Well at least Calum and Ashton will have a bunch when they get home" I say chuckling.

"Shut up" Abby says punching me lightly.

"Lets put a movie on" Luke says pressing a few buttons. We decide on some movie about a couple who do cheesy shit. That's where we spent the rest of the night, untill Calum and Ashton got home. Because that was interesting.


Woah chapter.

Ashtons 20 and its a no for meh

he's to cute to be 20


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