Chapter 6

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"Heeeeyyyy" I say into my phone flopping on the couch, Ashton had called me.

"Heeeyy" says mockng me. I roll my eyes and stick my tounge out at him even though he couldn't see me. "Michael wants to hang out with you but he's to scared to call you" Ashton states causing me to chukle.

"You guys can come over. I think I have breakfasty food somwhere" I say walking towards the kitchen

"Seems like a plan. Be over in half an hour" Ashton says.

"Byee" I say loudly

"Bye!" I loook around and realize I actually have no breakfast food. Wait! I have the stuff to make everyone Abbys magic mixer, a drink I invented. I run to my room and grab all the ingridients from my secret hideout. Lets just say Jess dosent aprove. Before I leave my room I change into an oversized sweater and a pair of leggings. I toss my hair in a messy bun and skip back to the kitchen. Drinky time. Pretty much the drink was a milkshake with nerds, redbull, and a five hour energy shot mixed in. Then you top it with poprox. After about twenty minutes the drinks were done.

"Abby we're here!" I hear Calum shout.

"Come in!" I answer putting a straw in each cup.

"Hey" all the boys say walking in..

"Hey!" I say. Michael smiles and gives me a hug and a kiss on the forehead causing me to blush.

"So uh breakfast on the table " I say pointing to my master peice.

"What is this?" Calum asks examining the now popping drink.

"Just try it. Its the best" I say grabbing one for me and Michael.

"Oh my god it is" Ashton says smiling widley.

"Told yaa" Ten minutes later they were gone. That's when things got interesting.



I'm not exactly sure why but I was hyper. Like really hyper.

"Ah I love rainbowes" Abby shouts running around in a tutu. She was adorable.

"I want green hair" I shout jumping up and down.

"Lets do it lets do it lets do it" Abby and Ashton shout jumping around like crazy people.

"But-" Calum starts

"What could go wrong dude?" I ask daning akwardly.

"Yeah. Man we're on a roller coaster that only goes up!" Abby says joining the dancing. But really what could go wrong



"MY CATS GREEN!" I shout causing them all to look at me. The effects of my beverage haven't worn off yet so they were currently all jumping around Michael singing a song about green hair. Mickeys hair actually looks pretty good.

"How?" Calum asks laughing.

"I think he fell asleep near the die" I answer laughing like crazy.

"Awesome!" Michaels says "We're twinning!"

"YAAASS!" Ashton screams

"Dance party with a blue cat!" I scream turning on some weird ass techno music.

"The police don't controll me!" I scream dancing like an akward man whose having a seisure.

"What the fuck?" I look over and see Jessica looking at us with Luke.

"Hide!" I shout grabbing my cat and running. We all jump out my window and climb down the fire escape laughing like crazy.

"I'm a confict!" Ashton shouts causng us to laugh loudly.

"Run! They're gonna find us!" Calun shots taking off in a sprint. No they wont.


"What even happened here?" I ask after they had run off. There was cupcakes all over the walls, sparkles everywhere, and I'm pretty sure both shiloh and Michael had green hair.

"Jes they ran out the window!" Luke says "What's going on here?"

"I don't know" I say sighing as I walk to the kitchen. Wait. The blender was out. There was redbull, five hour energy shots, and pop roxs containers all over. Abbys magic mixer. Shit.

"We have to find them" I say sighing

"Well lets go"


After twenty minutes of searchng we found all of them cuddled together on a slide at a park across town. They were all asleep. I chuckle and take a picture and post it on ig captioning it with 'The negative side effects of caffine kids'

"Lets wake them up" Luke says walking over.

"Wait" I say grabbing his arm. "Can't we just look how cute they are for one more minute" They actually looked adorable. Calum and Ashton were leaning on each other in the back and Michael had his arms around Abby who was holding on to Shiloh who looked miserable.

"Lets wake them up" I say

"Wait" Luke says smirking. "Lets prank them"



another cliffhanger because I'm a hoe. Sorry not sorry.

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