Chapter 11

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"Abby where's the popcorn?" Calum calls from the kitchen.

"Be right there" Abby says leaving the bathroom with Michael trailing behind her. Naughty naughty. Michael walks ovee and sits next to us on the couch.

"Jess" Michael says "Who were those guys?"

"Our exes." I say sighing.

"Were they always that douchy?" Luke asks.

"Yeah" I say explaining to them the whole cheating thing.

"That must be hard" Luke says squezing my thigh gently.

"Yeah. It was. I got over it though. It really hurt Abby though"

"What do you mean?" Ashton asks.

"The week after she didn't leave her room. At all. And when she did she just would stare at a wall. I could hear her crying. It was terrible" I say sighing. "He really fucked her up" I see Michaels eyes watch Abby as she makes the popcorn and laughs with Calum.

"She's better now?" He asks "Right"

"Yeah yeah. I'm just letting you know if you hurt her I will kill you" I warn.

"I wont" I nod and lean into Luke.

"Here's the pop corn" Abby says setting on the table and leaning into Michael.

"I want evil dead!" Abby screams.

"Yaaass" I add just as loudly. We were horor movie buffs.

"Are you sure?" Luke wispers in my ear "It looks scary."

"Yeah press play." Game on.


The movie was half way done and I pretty much had my face burried into Michals chest. It was really scary.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" He asks me petting my hair.

"Okay" he kisses my forhead and continues to watch the movie. Me and Michael had the short couch to ourselfs. He was leaning on one arm and I was pretty much in his lap leaning on his chest. Jess and Luke were on the other couch and Jess actually feel asleep on lukes shoulder. Cal and Ash were next to them on the couch. After another half an hour the movie ended.

"You guys can crash here" I say standing up. It was like midnight. "The couch pulls out and I'll grab an air matress"

"Thanks" Ashton says yawning. I nod and grab the air matress.

"Theres blankets in the closet im going to sleep" I say yawning.

"Wait" Michael says grabbing my forearm.

"What?" I ask. He smiles and grabs my sholders and kisses me. I smile into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Goodnight beautiful" he wispers.

"Goodnight." I smile and peck his lips one more time before heading to bed.



I sigh loudly as I lay on this air matress, which was not comfy. I could not sleep. I just had a nervous feeling like somthing was going to go wrong.

"Mhhm" I look up and see it was coming from Jess's room. I walk to the foot of her bed and she wimpers again rolling around.

"Jess" I wisper shaking her foot.

"No no" she says turning more.

"Jessica" I actually shake her this time and she sits up. Her eyes looked scared.

"It was just a dream" I say sitting on the edge of her bed. Her eyes examine me and I feel a little akward. I was just wearing a pair of sweatpants and no shirt.

"Sorry" she wispers.

"Don't be. You had a long day. Do you want to talk about it?" I ask. She shakes her head no and I sigh. "Okay if you need anything come get me. Good night" I kiss her forhead and go to walk out.

"Wait" she calls. "Can you stay?" I smile and walk to her bed laying next to her.

"Thank you" She wispers.

"Don't thank me babe. I want this too" I say smiling. Her checks heat up and I smile at how beautiful she looked. Even at four am. I wrap my arms around her waiste and pull her to me.

"Goodnight Jess"

"Goodnight Luke" I close my eyes and fall asleep with a goofy smile plastered to my face.



I can't believe every american was born today, god bless america and happy birthday.

I was at church the other day and this old guy I did not know shook my hand and was like "god bless you" in a creeper voice and I was like "thanks" and he would not let go of my hand untill I say god bless you. Akward.

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