Chapter 20

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I groan stretching my body out. It was too fucking bright in here and my head hurt. What the fuck happened last night? My hand comes to contact with somthing and I sit up to examine it. There was a girl in my bed, a naked one to be exact. All of the memories come rushing back. Fuck. I cheated on Abby. She's never going to forgive me. What did I do?

"Hey" I say poking the girl who's name I'm not aware of. "You need to leave" She had to be gone before any of the boys saw her.

"What?" she groans sitting up.

"Get dressed and leave" I say. She nods and reaches down grabbing her dress, well half dress. I leave the room to give her some privacy. I'm such an idiot. Why would I do that to her? I love her.

"Hey Mikey your alive!" Ashton shouts as he, Luke, and Calum leave the room. Shit.

"Yeah yeah lets grab somthing to eat" I rush out trying to get them to leave.

"Wait, what happened to you? You were downing drinks and then when we went to leave you were gone? You didn't get a tatoo or anything did you?" Luke asks smiling.

"Yeah I'm not sure Abby would apreciate it if you got her name tatooed across your ass" Calum jokes. I feel the door open behind me and I let out a curse.

"Oh hi" she says akwardly as she sees us. "I'm going. Um bye Mikey" As she walks down the halway the guys are silent.

"Who the fuck is that?" Ashton shouts sudenly.

"Why was she in your room Clifford?" Luke adds.

"Mate don't tell us you cheated on Abby" Calum adds.

"Stop yelling at me. I fucked up okay? I was drunk and she kissed me. I was mad at Abby and we fucked. It didn't mean anything" I say running a hand through my hair. I felt like crying. "You can't tell Abby. She can't know"

"You excpect us not to tell one of our best friends that her boyfriend cheated on her?" Calum asks looking pissed.

"It wont happen again. It would only hurt her"  I whine.

"Michael you fucked up. Its not our job to cover your mistake. But your right. It would only hurt her. If this happens again I'm telling her" Calum says.

"Thank you. It wont I swear" I rush out. He nods and the three of them walk away. I wander back into my room and pick up my phone to call Abby.

"Hello?" She groans. Oh shit I forgot it was only five there

"Shit sorry I woke you up" I say chuckling softly.

"Well what's up?" she asks.

"I just wanted to tell you I love you. I love you so much Abby" I tear falls from my eye. What if she left me. I couldn't imagine not having her in my life. She couldn't find out.

"I love you too babe" she says. I could hear the smile in her voice.

"No Abby, I really love you"

"Mikey I really love you" she says giggling.

"Abby I think I could spend the rest of my life with you" I say.

"I think I could enjoy that" She tells me.

"I have to go. We have an interview in an hour"

"Okay bye. I love you." she says softly.

"I love you."



"There better be a good reason your calling me this early" I warn Luke smiling to myself.

"Jessica somthing happened. I'm not supposed to tell you but I have to" Luke says.

"What happened?" I ask worry filling me.

"Its really fucked up. God, I have to tell you. I'm really sorry."

"Luke tell me. Is everyone okay?" I ask bitting my lower lip.

"No, Michael slept with someone yesterday"

"What? Luke this isn't funny"

"I'm not joking. We went out and he was drinking a lot and we went to check on him and a girl left his room. He told us not to say anything and that it wont happen again but Abby deserves to know" That fucking dick bag. The next time I see him I will punch him so hard he- okay nice thoughts.

"Are you sure?" I ask softly.

"Yeah" he replies monotone.

"I have to go. I love you" I say before hanging up. How was I going to tell Abby this? I walk to the kitchen and see her humming and making coffee.

"What are you up so early?" I question.

"Michael called me. He's so sweet" she gushes pouring herself a cup.

"Abby Luke called me. Somthing happened?"

"Is he okay?" She asks frowning.

"Yeah he's fine."

"What happened then?" she asks sighing.


"Oh my god just tell me" she jokes.

"Michael cheated on you" I say suddenly. Her face falls and the coffee cup falls from her hand landing on the floor.

"Abby" I wisper.

"Jessica you're wrong. Lukes wrong. He wouldn't do that to me" she states with her eyes shut, it sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than me.

"Abby Luke told me-"

"I don't give a fuck what Luke said. I'm finnaly happy Jess why can't you let me be happy?" She asks frowning. "Your wrong. Im going to call Michael." she says stepping over the coffee puddle and walking to her room. Well that went well, not.



"Michael" I say when he answers the phone. Jessicas acusation sat in the back of my mind causing worry to fill me.

"Hey Abby. What's up babe?" he asks.

"Did you cheat on me?" I ask.deciding not beat around the bush.

"Who fucking told you that?" he asks nearly shouting.

"Answer the question" I wisper my hope slightly wavering.

"Fuck Abby I'm sorry" And my hope fell. It felt like I had been punched in the gut. I let out a sob throwing my phone into the wall causing it to crack. I didn't even care.

"Abby" Jess asks walking in the room.

"I'm sorry" I say sobbing at the foot of my bed.

"Its okay" she says wraping her arms around me.

"He knew what Ron did to me. What happened after we broke up" I say.

"He's an ass" Jessica states.

"I will never fucking forgive him"


The prettier and more tallent you have the more I hate you aye

shit went down

sad face I ship mabby though I cannot tell a lie

Dont Stop (5sos)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon