Chapter 7

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask looking at the tweet we were about to send.

"Of corse babe. Its just a prank" Luke says chuckling. I look down at my phone and read my tweet; Hey Spacepoop fans Abby and Shiloh are currently in butterfield park along with Michael, Calum, and Ashton from 5sos! Pay em a visit' . I purse my lips and chuckle. They did totally crash our apartment.

"Send" I say pressing the button. They could handle a little fans.


"Why is everyone screaming?" I groan blinking a few times. I look up and see that we are surounded by people. Like hundreds of them.

"Shit" I say scrambling up taking Shiloh with me, who by the way was loosing his shit.

"Love stop moving" Michael whines rubbing his eyes.

"Guys we have a situation" I say trying to wake them all up. A minute later they were all awake and staring widley at the crowd.

"Why are they all here?" I ask sighing.

"Why are we here? What was in that drink?" Ashton asks frowning slightly

"Happiness my dimple twin" I tell him patting his shoulder.

"Now what?" Calum asks looking at Michael nervously.

"Talk to them?" I suggest

"You talk to them" Calum says pouting. I roll my eyes.

"These are not my fans Cal-Pal." I say chuckling

"Explain that 'Abby Date me sign' then" Callun says pointing to a group of boys.

"Oh my god hold my cat" I say placing Shiloh on Ashtons lap who scrunches his nose and whines.

"Group of dudes with the sign I will date you" I shout loudly. The boys cheer and I give them a thumbs up.

"I'm going to take pictures with my fans!" I say excitedly grabbing Shiloh.

"Abbs are you sure that's a good idea?" Michael asks grabbing my calf lightly.

"Yes hun. You guys should too. Fans are the best!" I scream sliding down the slide.

"Hellooo!" I scream running to the boys with the sign.

"Oh my god Abby!" One of them shouts.

"Oh my god atractive dude I don't know" I scream. His face heats up and he chuckles

"Can we take a picture?" he asks. I nod and smile taking a billion selfies with them.

"You guys are the best. But I have to go find the boys" I say waving to them.

"Byee" they chorus. I actually did have some fans. I see Michael kissing some girls cheek and I couldnt help but frown. She was so pretty. I was so not pretty.

"Hey" A voice says touching my shoulder. I jump but look behind me and see its Calum.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah its just loud and bright" I say. The crowd and screaming was getting intense and there were paparazi taking pictures.

"Can we leave?" I ask sighing

"Yeah, should we wait for Michael and Ash?" Calum asks. I sigh and look over at Michael who was hugging an even prettier girl.

"No theyll be okay." I say. Calum nods grabs my hand leading me from the crowd.

"Lets go to this cafe?" Calum says. I nod and we jog over seeing someone we didn't excpect to see. Luke and Jessica.

"It was you" I say glaring at them and pointing. They both let out a laugh and I roll my eyes sitting next to Jess.

"Hey are you okay?" Jess asks. I nod slowly.

"Was that to much? I'm sorry we-"

"Jess its not that" I say sighing.

"What is it?" she asks poking my cheek "smilleee"

"Jess I like Michael a lot and he's out of my league and it makes me sad because he can have anyone and that means he's not going to pick me" I say suddenly


"Don't Abby me its fine. I don't get a boyfriend that's how things work" I say signing.

"You'll find someone someday" Jess says patting my back

"I don't want to wait untill somday" I whine. Jess sighs and pulls me in for a hug. "I should just take Ron back"

"Abby no" Jess says firmly. "Rons a dick" It was true. Ron was a dick. So was Sam. We met them when we first moved here. They were cute and we were desperate. After a year of dating Ron tried to get Jess to sleep with him and she obviosly said no and told Sam who said she should have said yes because its not like he was seeing only her. Then we both broke up with them.

"I know" I say sighing. "I just like him a lot"

"Who do you like?" I look behind me and see Michael.

"No one" I say sighing trying to get around him.

"Stop" he says grabing my arm.

"Why?" I groan

"I like you" he says suddenly. "I like you a lot and I know you don't like me"

"Michael shut up. I like you and you are out of my league"

"No you're out of MY league"

"My god just kiss already!" Ashton shouts. I bite my lip looking down at my shoes swaying back and forth softly. Michaels hand grabs my chin softly brining my eyes to his. He smiles and leans in and I feel my stomach explode into a fit of butterflys.

"I like you" he wispers.

"I like you" I say conecting our lips.


Oh snapppp

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