My Armour, My Secret

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"I think we just gonna have to be secretly in love with each other, and leave it at that"
- Margot, The Royal Tenenbaums


France was in jeopardy. The King acted like a mad man. Lust for power. Lost the purpose of a leader. It threatened the kingdom, shaking the realm. Nothing was stable anymore. Francis was doing his best to stabilize the broken kingdom, but at the same time he couldn't accept the chaos was created by his own father who never loved him very much. He only have Mary. But Mary was keeping too much secret behind him.

Toby just finished reading the book he purchased three months ago titled "Hard-boiled Wonderland and The End of The World" by Haruki Murakami. The 400 pages book with an unusual title was written in its original language, Japanese, in 1985 translated by Alfred Binbaums in 1991. An old book with part of science fiction, filled with existential meditations and it was amazingly imaginative. It was also full with multitude of interesting and important thoughts that blew his mind. For Toby, the novel was a pure genius. No wonder it has a high rating of 4.15.

"The world unveils more pairs of people,
twin librarians, old men and a gatekeeper
who unlock their world in all its furious meaning
a sci-fi noir completes a fantasy of dreaming."

Toby scribbled on the first page of the book: "two people can sleep in the same bed and still be alone when they close their eye" - one of the quote by the author. Suddenly his mind went to the person he secretly admired, the woman who has the spirit of a Queen. They were acting like a perfect couple but yet they may not have the same feeling. Toby sighed and wrote again in his own words: " But they are like a lock and a key, only one can unlock the other one soul which allows the truest self step out."

He put the book in the small shelf in his trailer. Teddy was sleeping on his bed. He noticed he was not quite active many days. Sick? Toby has no idea. Probably Teddy needed for a check up. It has been more than 6 months he decided to adopt this tabby. I should ask Addy about this. She's the expert in cats.

Without hesitation, he texted Addy, asking about his cat condition. It was already 9 pm, and he guessed she probably already went to bed. They had a busy day today. So many things to settle before the production warped up the season. Some voice recording and some repeat scenes (very unusual when the have some problems with the horses).

Toby: Hi, I'm sorry for disturbing you. It's about my cat, Teddy. I guess something wrong with him lately. Any idea?

There was no response from her. Maybe she already felt asleep. He was not feeling sleepy yet. Toby picked up his guitar and played some notes. He recently learned a few new styles with the fingerboard. He felt he should composed a new song. But he felt he only could create melody but no lyrics within it. He wrote a few music notes in case if he forgot about it later.

He picked an old song by the Beatles and did his own guitar cover as he learned long time ago. He did some improvements through others played on YouTube. It brought all the fond memories with his mother. How he missed her. But he realized he still couldn't share with her all of his feelings for Addy. He just didn't know how to open his heart to his mother, or even to Addy. He played his guitar in slow with steady tunes. The beautiful melody filled the emptiness in his room. The lyrics filled in his mind.

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

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