Update- Got Tagged Again and Some News

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Welp, you see the title. I'm going to answer the tags first before I make the announcement.

So I got tagged twice! Both my Wattpad sisters tagged me so first one is from TheMiraculousPanda.

So I got tagged twice! Both my Wattpad sisters tagged me so first one is from TheMiraculousPanda

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Are you named after someone- No.

When was the last time that you cried- I was reading the OHSHC (Ouran High School Host Club) manga and I was crying when Hikaru and Kaoru were fighting because they both loved Haruhi T^T (Whoops, spoilers)

Do you like your handwriting- My sister says that my handwriting looks like trash, but I think that it's fine. My handwriting is fast and efficient. I think it looks pretty most times. Though some times it's hard to read...

What's your favorite lunch meat- Ham!!!

If you were another person, would you be your friend- Yes. Because me irl is lonely. This person would have to respect personal space though. And love the anime I love :3

Do you use sarcasm- Everyday.

Do you have your tonsils- ...Yes?

Would you bungee jump- Yes. I just hate that feeling in your stomach when you go up and down to fast though.

Favorite kind of cereal- I have too many favorites that I can't choose!!

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off- Yes, yes I do.

Do you think that you're a strong person- It depends on what you mean by that. I guess yes and no.

What's your favorite ice cream- Mint chocolate chip or cookie dough! I can't choose!

The first thing that you notice about people- the style of clothes that they're wearing. I usually judge a person's attitude by the way that they dress. If it looks too stylish then I think that they are sassy. If not too stylish then normal. Don't mind me.

Red or pink- Or. I don't like either. I like cold colors and yellow.

Part 1 and 2- I don't know what you mean by that.

What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now- Both blue!

Last thing you ate- French toast.

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