Chapter 22

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So, everyone in the story is on Thanksgiving break.

Hope you are enjoying the story!


Let me know what you guys are thinking, any future chapter ideas, and whatever else! Just comment! Show mama some love.....JK

I love all of you amazing readers!

P.S. It's kinda short but it's something!


~N :) <3


Chapter 22

It was a rainy day out today. Dad had an ice wrap around his hand from hitting Carlos too hard, and Carlos had a broken nose. I haven't talked to Michael in a few days (3 to be exact) because he betrayed me the night of the dinner. He kissed Rebecca, right in my face. Talk about a stab in the heart. Michael has been calling and texting me non stop. I don't know what to do. I want to hear him out but at the same time, I want to slap him.

How could he do something like that? Especially right in my damn face. I was sad, and I felt like he didn't mean all of those things he said to me.

Laying on my bed I stared at my silver promise ring that was still on my index finger.

"Only you" I whispered.

I took off the ring and threw it across my room and then started to cry.

I didn't expect this to hurt me as much as it did, but when you are in love with someone- when you love someone, the pain aches in your heart and in your mind, leaving your eyes all red and puffy.

"Natasha can I come in?" Rachel said at my door.

I sniffled and ran to the bathroom to wipe away tears. She would know I was crying though, my face is super red as well as my eyes.

"Yea come in."

"What's wrong?" She asked sitting down next to me.

"I stubbed my toe on the freaking corner of my bed" I said grabbing my toe.

"No, it's something more. I can see it."

Damn tears! Damn sadness, love, heartbreak. Damn Michael!

I sighed.

"C'mon tell me." She said.

"Aren't you supposed to be in rehab or something?"

"They released me yesterday, remember?"

No I don't.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry I've been just a bit distracted."

I tried my hardest to change the subject but Rachel kept insisting that I tell her what was wrong.

"Michael and Rebecca kissed. Right in my face!" I sobbed.

Rachel placed her hand on my back and held me.

"What a dick move. I'm sorry" She said comforting me.

Moments passed and then Rach sprung up from my bed and headed towards my closet searching for something.

"If you need your black thong, that you left, it's in my blue dra-"

She came out with my old martial arts sword that I keep in my closet just in case.

"Let's go chop some balls off." She said with a super serious face.


I burst out into laughter.

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