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a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
"a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism"


"Yoongi Min, I was told he was here." I told the receptionist as I surrender my id. "I'm hi...his... his friend."

"Sorry, he's not here." She said as looked back at her computer.

I wanted to tell her that I know he's in his studio because Jungkook, the guy I used to fuck, told me. Only that would sound crazy as well. Especially since I know that mere receptionist also have no contact number of the boys and I have no way to prove her otherwise.

"I don't want to see him, I just want to give him this." You pulled up the paper bag you've brought to put it on the table. "...maybe you could give it to him when he comes back." I told her.

...or now because he's at his studio.

This is the first time that I wished that the homewrecker didn't resigned, I could use her for times like this. Or took pictures of Jungkook and I on my bed. That would be a great proof that I have personal relationship with the boys.

"You can leave it there. Someone would deliver it to their dorm." She said as she pointed towards a pile of gift boxes on the corner.

"This is food. I'm guessing by that pile, it doesn't get picked up that often. I'm pretty sure mold would get to this before he could see this." I said but I realize how stupid I sound, this ahjumma must think I'm a lovestruck fan wanting to get a glimpse of him.

This is a futile attempt. I should've gone and left it at their dorm instead.

Only if I go there, his meddlesome groupmates would surely ask why the crazy bitch is bringing Yoongi some cake. No one wants that.

I'll just eat this at my loft.

"Okay, you know what. I'll be going. Thanks... Sorry for bothe—"

"It's a good thing that I'm getting my own coffee now. I may have missed you again if I didn't." Yoongi said as he approached us. "You could have texted. It's much easier than convincing her to meet me. Thanks, Ahjuhmma Mina, you're the best."

The receptionist, in her forties, blushed at Yoongi's wink.

He took the paper bag from the table. "No card! So that's the reason why you didn't inform me you'll be coming. Let me think, you wanted it to be a surprise, too."

"Well, the card would be empty except for my name so I didn't bother. It's coffee and cake, it's way better than the ghastly tasting vendo machine coffee." I told Yoongi with a smile.

"Let's eat this together. You don't have office today right?" He said as smile.

 You don't have office today right?" He said as smile

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