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(of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
"the voice was mellifluous and smooth"


Gate crasher. That's what they call people like me. I am not invited to this Silver anniversary celebration. Who cares, I tried to talked to her but for some reason, she's evading my calls.

Good thing I still got her father's number. He became my sort of mentor in BigHit. He's the classical music guy that composes for Homme and other balladeers but he took me under his wings when I told him I played the piano.

He would teach me the technical aspects of playing the piano. After the numerous lessons we had, he told me to forget everything he taught me and play with my heart.

Then he suddenly resigned. I felt sad especially when I learned that her daughter made him resign for some reason. I've only learned the truth from Jungkook.

When I entered the restaurant they've rented. Her mother was already giving me a dirty look. The woman didn't even know me and she hated me already.

Her dad introduced me as her boyfriend. More quizzical looks emerge from her face. I guess if your daughter got divorced, you start questioning the intentions of people who dates her.

"How's your Japan promotion?" He father asks, possibly to prevent her wife from asking uncomfortable questions.

"It was good. The reception's really great. I hope it translate to good sales as well." I said.

"How did you met Jessie?" Her mom blurted out.

So it starts.

"Common friend." I said. Her ex-boyfriend to be exact.

"Why didn't you picked her up?" She said.

Good question. The actual answer is because she is not expecting me to be here. She's avoiding me like plague since I called her yesterday and by being here, we could finally talk.

"I went straight here from the airport."

"What do you want from her? You're single and not bad looking. She's a divorcee. Why are you dating her?"

There it was. That was quick, I thought we're going through my family background first.

"Love, don't make Yoongi uncomfortable." Her father said.

Then she entered, wearing something that I didn't expect her to wear. She only wears black and red business casual dress or grey and black shirts and denims.

It caught me off guard seeing her in yellow sundress, with a sweetheart neckline. Her ankle length dress flows naturally as she walked. Her make up was to a minimum unlike the sophisticated one she usually wears. Her hair tied on one side exposing her beautiful jawline.

Her expression reflects mine the moment she saw me. Suprised and with her mouth parted. I could only guess the pace of her heartbeat, it might be also as fast as mine.

That's when I realized I really loved her. She's the only one who made me feel strong enough. Strong enough to risk being broken all over again. My previous heartbreak shattered my mind and soul but somehow she was able to fill in the cracks.

I love her.

A small smile played on my lips as it did hers.

"Sorry, I'm late... Dad, Mom... Yoongi." She said as she took a seat beside me after I offered it to her.

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