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(typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal.

their nefarious activity resumed


It must've been three hours that I'm waiting in my dinning table. The food I've prepared have gone cold. My stomach is in chaos but no more so than my brain wanting to shut down.

A few months into the relationship, as their comeback comes closer and closer, the wait for Yoongi becomes longer and longer.

I used my arm as a pillow and give into slumber. He would come. He said he would.

A kiss on my cheek woke me up. Then someone brushes my hair away from my face. I slowly opened my eyes.

"Sorry, I'm late." Yoongi said with his face full of guilt. "Have you eaten?"

"No. I was waiting for you." I said.

"I'll reheat the food. Just stay put." He said as he begins to take the plates to the kitchen.

"Were you able to finish your song?" I ask.

"Yup. Namjoon helped me so I was able to complete it." He said as food sizzle on the pan. "Don't wait for me next time. I don't want you to starve because of me."

I hugged him while he's cooking. He looks so domestic. "It's okay. I would rather starve and eat with you than eat alone."

"You can ask Jinri to eat with you." He said.

"I haven't seen her, I fell asleep around eight, maybe she got in while I was sleeping."

When he was finished reheating the food, we began to eat. He told me that he wanted the sound to be perfect and there was something not sounding right so they had to redo it multiple times.

I told him about work. That the new girl, Jiwon's cousin is a blessing in my life. She is cutting my work by more than half.

"Do you have a picture of Jiwon?" I asked Yoongi.

"Yes, a collection actually. Some of it pasted on my wall." He said.

"No need to sharpen your sarcastic tongue on me. I'm just curious what she looks like. I haven't seen her. She's good at hiding. Her name pops up everywhere but her photo does not." I said.

"She's very pretty. You've seen her father right? Tae told me they look so much alike. She's good at hiding her name. Tae didn't know her name until he decided to follow her. I'm guessing the lack of public photos is not a coincidence."

"... and I'm just pretty." I said with a tinge of jealousy.

"No, you're beautiful and hot. What do you want for your birthday?" He said. "It's tomorrow, right?"

"Rough sex, Min PD nim." I laughed.

"That's given. What else?" He said laughing with me.

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