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tending to talk a great deal; talkative.

She tries to stop her loquacious friend from spilling any more secrets.


My team was able to hustle and setup a conference call. For reasons we can't fathom, a global wine distributor reached out to us, informing that they are willing to invest with the exact money that I need.

The CEO wants to talk to me alone. It was a good thing that he was well versed in Korean. Otherwise, I will have no time to polish my English.

After all of my staff left the conference room, I click a button on the screen answering his call.

He was in his late forties or early fifties and was quite good-looking. He looks serious though and if there is ever a male version of resting bitch face. This was it.

"Hi, Miguel Martin, owner and CEO of Vinha De Martin." He says.

"Jessie Nam, owner and CEO of Jessie Incorporated."

"Jessie? are you foreign?"

"No, sir. My real name's Jisoo. I just adapted it to make it easier for branding. Is there anything you want me to discuss to you further? I could call in my brand managers to present if you want."

"No need. I got all my information about your company. This is more of a personal call, to get to know you better."

"That's a bit... surprising. I'll entertain it. Is there something you want to know about me?"

Personal? Personal call? I don't even know this guy.

"In business perspective, I'm already convinced to invest in your company. Although, I know that it's always a big taboo to mix business and personal matters, your answer to my question will have a huge impact in our deal."

Did this man saw my picture in the internet back when I'm modeling my own lingerie? Is he about to offer me an indecent proposal?

"Sure. I'm listening... I believe if we don't trust each other, I can't accept your offer either." I said

It was lie. I would do everything short of fucking him just to make this deal go thru.

"That's good. Did you have a previous romantic relationship with Taehyung Kim?"

My forehead immediately creased. Shock at the information he wanted from me.

What does Taehyung got to do with this?


"No, sir. I didn't have any romantic relationship with him. We know each other. We're not that close but we talk sometimes. If you don't mind me asking, is there a reason why you're asking about him?" I said.

"Oh. You didn't know."

"Didn't know what, sir?"

His face changed into something more pleasant. He was easy on the eyes even for his age if he starts to be less tense.

"I'm so proud of my future son-in-law. He has a valiant heart helping an acquiantance out of the pureness of his heart. I thought you two were close."

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